Friday, June 11, 2010

Some Things Never Change.

I posted this on about a year and a half ago, and yet it still applies:

Sad huh?

Lookin' at any girls in my life right now, or any potentials, I STILL feel like the girl for me, isn't here in my area. I have already came to the conclusion that she's not gonna be from my hometown, and now I feel like the girl for me wouldn't be from San Jose State either (is it too soon to say?). I don't even know why, but most girls around here are pretty similar to me, they don't really intrigue me. All the girls that have intrigued me before to the point where it was worth pursuing, I let them slip me by or messed it up like an idiot. The cute girls-are party girls. The bad girls-are always around asking for trouble. The good girls-are already taken. The girl for me-is yet to be found. Plain and simple, I think I need to expand my network or travel around if I want any chance in finding her. I think it's safe to say there's no point in searching around here anymore. But who knows, some girl might come around to make me say I spoke too soon. Or...I posted too soon...

Am I just too picky?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Random notes


- Summer is very boring so far, save me?

- I feel less wiser since I got my wisdoms pulled. Was I wise to begin with? :o

- My cheek is almost fully un-swollen! No more chipmunk status. :]

- Go to EDC? ...nahhhhh.

- I wanna play basketball

- Craving some Thai food.

- I feel there is a potential apple of my eye, but I'm playing it real slow. I feel like I'm holding a lot back right now. Don't know if it's a good idea to pursue. Many things saying I should, but many things saying I shouldn't. Time will tell. She's cool :]

- I wanna talk to her right now shhh :p

- Happy summer! Lovin the weather lately.

-Hughughughug hihihi. I am really bored haha. :P