Sunday, September 20, 2009

I use to...

I use to be your friend.
I use to look forward to seeing you.
I use to tell you everything.
I use to trust you.
I use to drive you everywhere.
I use to be the one you used for rides.
I use to always be the designated driver.
I use to enjoy our times together.
I use to grow up with you.
I use to be your best friend. Remember that?
I use to talk to you everyday.
I use to know you always had my back no matter what.
I use to relate with you.
I use to miss you.
I use to talk hours with you on the phone.
I use to buy you flowers.
I use to be your teammate.
I use to look up to you.
I use to learn from your mistakes.
I use to talk to you.
I use to laugh till i cried with you.
I use to try to fix our issues.
I use to think you where a true friend.
I use to never second guess our friendship.
I use to think we would never fade.
I use to believe what you say.
I use to think of you everyday.
I use to always bring you up unwillingly.
I use to respect you.
I use to think you would never talk shit about me.
I use to never speak negative about you.
I use to have close friends.
I use to think we were fine .
I use to always be with you.
I use to be your brother.
I use to always hug you.
I use to think of everyone, you wouldn't do that to me.
I use to have so many inside jokes with you.
I use to smile when I saw you.
I use to smile when I thought of you.
I use to want to be around you.
I use to be someone to you.
I use to do everything with you.
I use to have no worries with you.
I use to have fun with you .
I use to love you...

Look at us now...

What happened? I know we've changed, chances are, it's probably all on me. That's what time and distance does to people. But ask yourself, what did I ever do directly towards you to make you hate me? I don't care what you think of me anymore. Chances are, your going to talk shit about this blog post too. Thinking about what we use to be compared to how we are now really makes me wanna cry. I'm kinda getting teary eyed typing this shit. Go ahead and call me a baby I don't care. It's probably too late for apologies. Whats done is done.

Goodbye old friend.


  1. Bravo Tony, braaaa fucking vo.
    So damn relatable, forreals.

  2. Aww tony. feel better soon! there's a reason why they didnt make it to your future.

  3. I agree with Malina.
    &your blogs always make me feel closer to you<3

  4. its kinda weird to see people posting up "love it.... bravo" stuff when you're tryna let out true emotions. what you say isn't some kind of TheHills, soap opera kinda drama.

    but whatever happened, you WILL feel better.
    here, have a brownie and smile :]
