ahhhh damn was it that long ago that we had 6 AM practices? or that long ago that i was BIKING to school before the sun came up at 6 AM for jv practice, learning how to clear with Kevin as my partner. it feels like yesterday i was that guy no one knew on jv just watching the pro ass varsity kill on the court. i cant believe ive gone this far in badminton. even though i havent improved as much as many others would in the time ive spent on it, i feel that ive been through so much. i know ive been telling everyone "im not that sad the seasons ending" but thats really my pride talking. truth is im gonna miss everything ive been through with this team. i know i havent been the best team contributer and didnt get to know everyone, and didnt get to be a captain as bad i wanted to, but overall ive learned alot and got to know alot of great people. i know i can be a bitch on the court when my competitive side comes out, but i thank anyone and everyone whos put up with it. i know im not the best partner there can be but im greatful for those who've tried with me. im gonna miss everything about badminton, the great coaches, players, and anyone else that ive met from it. for the future of badminton and me, im not sure really. i dont see myself going pro or anything. probably play some on the side but i think my serious badminton career ends here. we'll just have to see. i'll try not to tear up this last game but come HAAL... damn ionno haha.
i think ive spoken enough here, night everyone. for any badminton players who read this, lets have fun tomorrow yeah? laterrr
"was it my fault for what we've become?"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
so this is the last week of official badminton. damn how the season flew by fast. yeah theres practice next week for haals probably but this is the last real deal. it will probably open gym next week. i dont know if im going to continue badminton after high school. i dont see myself getting any different or better then how im playing now its like i dont have room to improve anymore? i dont know.
HAAL's tournament is next thursday in castro valley. that is really soon. i can see myself tearing up after that day. i have no idea what im doing. who im playing with. as for now, im not really confident i can go far if i go in the tournament with the conditions i am in now. i dont know why but i just cant...
last away game vs tennyson is tomorrow. normally id be excited to see one of my friends on there, but we arent close anymore lol. shes too cool and too busy getting hit on by every guy at every school :P
we dont have school tomorrow, well seniors at least, so all the seniors are going to santa cruz beach boardwalk. half of me wants to go and half of me doesnt. its going to be cold so i wouldnt want to swim. ionnooooo we'll see. id have to leave around 1 anyways to get back for the game.
today was nothing new. same old routine. didnt do much at practice. didnt even win a game with my partner -_- i guess my highlight of the day was meeting two new friends that randomly showed up at practice with joey. theyre college girls :o but theyre pretty old lol. oh well new friends are new friends ayyyeee
tonight me and a buncha other people were suppose to go to ocean beach and have a bonfire but everyone flaked and its late now so thats off lol. damn was lookin forward to chillin in the cold haha.
thanks for the new pair of boxers today elyssa! im bouta rock dems forsure tomorrow :]
hi blanca! hahaha :P
well then this is pretty long but pretty boring too sorry. ill try and make the next one interesting.
"why is it that everygirl i can see myself getting with, theres something stop it. always one thing wrong, in the way."
HAAL's tournament is next thursday in castro valley. that is really soon. i can see myself tearing up after that day. i have no idea what im doing. who im playing with. as for now, im not really confident i can go far if i go in the tournament with the conditions i am in now. i dont know why but i just cant...
last away game vs tennyson is tomorrow. normally id be excited to see one of my friends on there, but we arent close anymore lol. shes too cool and too busy getting hit on by every guy at every school :P
we dont have school tomorrow, well seniors at least, so all the seniors are going to santa cruz beach boardwalk. half of me wants to go and half of me doesnt. its going to be cold so i wouldnt want to swim. ionnooooo we'll see. id have to leave around 1 anyways to get back for the game.
today was nothing new. same old routine. didnt do much at practice. didnt even win a game with my partner -_- i guess my highlight of the day was meeting two new friends that randomly showed up at practice with joey. theyre college girls :o but theyre pretty old lol. oh well new friends are new friends ayyyeee
tonight me and a buncha other people were suppose to go to ocean beach and have a bonfire but everyone flaked and its late now so thats off lol. damn was lookin forward to chillin in the cold haha.
thanks for the new pair of boxers today elyssa! im bouta rock dems forsure tomorrow :]
hi blanca! hahaha :P
well then this is pretty long but pretty boring too sorry. ill try and make the next one interesting.
"why is it that everygirl i can see myself getting with, theres something stop it. always one thing wrong, in the way."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
the one i never got to.
yeah so thursday night i said i was gonna post the next day but i never did and now its technically sunday and i havent blogged since. sorry about that cliff hanger hahaha.
yeah thursday was really fun, met some new friends at cv. we got man handled like juliane manhandled me but its cool. i think the final school was 12-3? not even sure but who cares. i lost to var 3 so im officially garbage. but ahhhhh oh well.
thank you kirstal for the cheer ups after! and getting a game for me and mike to play!
me and mike are rusty when it comes to playing together so we werent as good as we can be. we lost this first game by 2 but we were actually saving energy for the game against chanele. (im just saying that to make it not seem bad hahaha) but hey we beat chanele and that guy she played with WOOOOOOOOOO! that was a good game and yes for quicklys AGAIN! but then after she lost she changed it to some frozen yogurt haha. is frozen yogurt good????
friday: denise went to practice friday but i couldnt make it since i had work. i asked her personally without me there if she can really help work with richard and so she did. richard tells me he learned alot so ill have to see monday! i love denise, shes so nice and so much help. i am very thankful for what shes doing for me and the team.
night me and about 20 other people were at garfield school playing hide and go seek in the dark. we only played a lil bit so it was pretty boring. besides that, friday was boring like a mugga which is why i didnt feel like blogging lol.
saturday: played basketball in the morning with morg, marc, and mike. just noticed three M's haha. saturday mornings at kennedy park is fun cuz theres alot of people to ball with. there was a moment in game where mike had the ball and some guy tried to steal it but missed and had a knee to knee collision with the other guy. mike gave a scream that made me feel the pain and fell to the floor holding his knee. i reallythought he had broke something. everyone surrounded and carried him off the court. he got ice on it and was done for the day. about 30 minutes later he was able to walk it off so thats good. hate to see somone get injured especially in some pick up game.
had work after and my days pretty much done now!
as for sunday.... for me, its that time of month again everyone. you know that time of month that most people like me get... that time that some most wouldnt look forward to but you know what? im excited for it. just wanna get it over with and feel better! and of course im talking about my time to get a haircut haha :] finallllyy i hate my hair this long!
well okay guys im done. its late. sorry to keep any waiters well uhm.. waiting haha. this is very long but if ur a returning reader, you know when i dont blog inna while then the next ones gonna be big.
P.S- not dedicated to juliane this time :)
"being too nice has its consequences"
yeah thursday was really fun, met some new friends at cv. we got man handled like juliane manhandled me but its cool. i think the final school was 12-3? not even sure but who cares. i lost to var 3 so im officially garbage. but ahhhhh oh well.
thank you kirstal for the cheer ups after! and getting a game for me and mike to play!
me and mike are rusty when it comes to playing together so we werent as good as we can be. we lost this first game by 2 but we were actually saving energy for the game against chanele. (im just saying that to make it not seem bad hahaha) but hey we beat chanele and that guy she played with WOOOOOOOOOO! that was a good game and yes for quicklys AGAIN! but then after she lost she changed it to some frozen yogurt haha. is frozen yogurt good????
friday: denise went to practice friday but i couldnt make it since i had work. i asked her personally without me there if she can really help work with richard and so she did. richard tells me he learned alot so ill have to see monday! i love denise, shes so nice and so much help. i am very thankful for what shes doing for me and the team.
night me and about 20 other people were at garfield school playing hide and go seek in the dark. we only played a lil bit so it was pretty boring. besides that, friday was boring like a mugga which is why i didnt feel like blogging lol.
saturday: played basketball in the morning with morg, marc, and mike. just noticed three M's haha. saturday mornings at kennedy park is fun cuz theres alot of people to ball with. there was a moment in game where mike had the ball and some guy tried to steal it but missed and had a knee to knee collision with the other guy. mike gave a scream that made me feel the pain and fell to the floor holding his knee. i reallythought he had broke something. everyone surrounded and carried him off the court. he got ice on it and was done for the day. about 30 minutes later he was able to walk it off so thats good. hate to see somone get injured especially in some pick up game.
had work after and my days pretty much done now!
as for sunday.... for me, its that time of month again everyone. you know that time of month that most people like me get... that time that some most wouldnt look forward to but you know what? im excited for it. just wanna get it over with and feel better! and of course im talking about my time to get a haircut haha :] finallllyy i hate my hair this long!
well okay guys im done. its late. sorry to keep any waiters well uhm.. waiting haha. this is very long but if ur a returning reader, you know when i dont blog inna while then the next ones gonna be big.
P.S- not dedicated to juliane this time :)
"being too nice has its consequences"
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
she came today!
Denise came today and help alot of us out! woooo hooooo! i think everyone was thankful for her help but no one really knew i was the reason she came so i didnt get any props D: haha well shes coming again next monday yayy. shes so raw. and a really good teacher. i cant wait :]
what got me kinda mad though was that really the main reason i got denise to come was to help me and richard out and most of the time she was there i was standing listening to her and richard was like isolated sitting by himself just like in his thoughts or something. looked really emo. i was like come on man we're the reason i got her to come but he wasnt even like in the mood or something. kinda put her presence to waste.
GAME VS CASTRO VALLEY TOMORROW AT THEIR PLACE! JUICEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]
what got me kinda mad though was that really the main reason i got denise to come was to help me and richard out and most of the time she was there i was standing listening to her and richard was like isolated sitting by himself just like in his thoughts or something. looked really emo. i was like come on man we're the reason i got her to come but he wasnt even like in the mood or something. kinda put her presence to waste.
GAME VS CASTRO VALLEY TOMORROW AT THEIR PLACE! JUICEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
for elyssa
here we goooo!
alright so another hot ass day. not as hot as yesterday but i stilll sweat about 10 gallons. yuckk.
so game today vs mt eden!
WE GOT THE BAGEL! AHAHA DAMMMN. 15-0! ahhh oh well.
after what happend last game, i thought i was going to have some mean mug staredown with the guys i played last time. as i walked to the bathroom by myself, i passed them both and they both nodded first to me and said "sup" so i did the same in return sayin "yo". that was suprising to me. but i respect them for that.
we just tried to have fun. its really hard in that kind of atmosphere. i tried to but it felt like i was the only one smiling at times o.o funny thing is me and my partner was laughing most of our 2nd set and we got 19 points. i know if we won that and went into third set their coach woulda went crazy because we were just laughing and stuff. too bad we didnt D:
i dont know why but for some reason people i dont even know challenged me and my old partner mikey. they told me about it first but i said " dont ask me ask him." and i guess mikey was down and we got ready to play. it was wierd since i havent talked to him really since we split. the first game was pretty close. and after that game im thining "finally its over" while i was sweating like crazy but then all of a sudden mikey tells me we're playing again against some other guys! man i was too drained! it was obvious i was out of energy and we eventually lost that game too. i blame me. my bad. this hot weather, and the fast rate that i sweat at, dont make a good mix.
soooo elyssa! i told her i would wear turtle boxers today since she noticed my funny boxers last time we had a game. and so i wore them! i didnt get to show her the whole day so after we got off the bus when we got back, i called to her and then was like "hey i wore them!" and showed her and i didnt think anyone else was looking then francis comes up and is like "TONY SHE IS TOO YOUNG FOR THAT" hahahaha dammmmmn what an awkward position i was in! ahhh that was funny though and she told me that made her day so that feels good :) cool boxers pay off afterall!
well overall today wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. yeah we lost but i think we had fun. so its cool. i cant wait till thursday to go to CV and see all my friends wooo hooooo. and i guess i have to meet more!? D: damn that chanele lol. oh well i cant wait!!!!!! i love them! :]
hopefully the raw badminton lady, denise, comes this week!
ooooooookay there u go elyssa your bedtime story. sorry for keeping u waiting! btw; what boxers for thursday??
night everyone.
alright so another hot ass day. not as hot as yesterday but i stilll sweat about 10 gallons. yuckk.
so game today vs mt eden!
WE GOT THE BAGEL! AHAHA DAMMMN. 15-0! ahhh oh well.
after what happend last game, i thought i was going to have some mean mug staredown with the guys i played last time. as i walked to the bathroom by myself, i passed them both and they both nodded first to me and said "sup" so i did the same in return sayin "yo". that was suprising to me. but i respect them for that.
we just tried to have fun. its really hard in that kind of atmosphere. i tried to but it felt like i was the only one smiling at times o.o funny thing is me and my partner was laughing most of our 2nd set and we got 19 points. i know if we won that and went into third set their coach woulda went crazy because we were just laughing and stuff. too bad we didnt D:
i dont know why but for some reason people i dont even know challenged me and my old partner mikey. they told me about it first but i said " dont ask me ask him." and i guess mikey was down and we got ready to play. it was wierd since i havent talked to him really since we split. the first game was pretty close. and after that game im thining "finally its over" while i was sweating like crazy but then all of a sudden mikey tells me we're playing again against some other guys! man i was too drained! it was obvious i was out of energy and we eventually lost that game too. i blame me. my bad. this hot weather, and the fast rate that i sweat at, dont make a good mix.
soooo elyssa! i told her i would wear turtle boxers today since she noticed my funny boxers last time we had a game. and so i wore them! i didnt get to show her the whole day so after we got off the bus when we got back, i called to her and then was like "hey i wore them!" and showed her and i didnt think anyone else was looking then francis comes up and is like "TONY SHE IS TOO YOUNG FOR THAT" hahahaha dammmmmn what an awkward position i was in! ahhh that was funny though and she told me that made her day so that feels good :) cool boxers pay off afterall!
well overall today wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. yeah we lost but i think we had fun. so its cool. i cant wait till thursday to go to CV and see all my friends wooo hooooo. and i guess i have to meet more!? D: damn that chanele lol. oh well i cant wait!!!!!! i love them! :]
hopefully the raw badminton lady, denise, comes this week!
ooooooookay there u go elyssa your bedtime story. sorry for keeping u waiting! btw; what boxers for thursday??
night everyone.
Monday, April 20, 2009
go away sun!
*does the go away sun dance
I HATE THIS HEAT!!! im melting while i type this.
well game vs mt eden tomorrow. not excited whatsoever lol. toobad it cant be the rematch of what happend at our first game. ohhhh well. imma just get it over with.
damn the seasons almost over! its going by pretty fast.
i dnt have much else to say. its too hot to keep typing. adios. i'll update tomorrow probably.
p.s - i need a date to senior prom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'[
I HATE THIS HEAT!!! im melting while i type this.
well game vs mt eden tomorrow. not excited whatsoever lol. toobad it cant be the rematch of what happend at our first game. ohhhh well. imma just get it over with.
damn the seasons almost over! its going by pretty fast.
i dnt have much else to say. its too hot to keep typing. adios. i'll update tomorrow probably.
p.s - i need a date to senior prom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'[
Sunday, April 19, 2009
spring breaks over
well one more day but i have nothing planned besides work so im pretty much done. id say my spring break was boring. didnt do much. i guess i officially ended what i had going on with this girl. though it wasnt the way i wanted to end it. cant help but wonder how she feels about it. but whats done is done. its just seperate paths from here on. for once its me making this decision but like i've been told many times, "its for the better." right?
so pretty much i talk to no girl whatsoever right now lol. i get like no txts at all anymore :[ oh well.the school years almost done to leave this boring crap behind.
so pretty much i talk to no girl whatsoever right now lol. i get like no txts at all anymore :[ oh well.the school years almost done to leave this boring crap behind.
ive been excited about this week for badminton for many reasons. i got my racket restrung so ive been anxious to use it. Denise, the raw ass badminton lady, is suppose to be coming to one of our practices this week to help me and the team :D, we play castro valley thursday if im correct? i cant wait! i love them. ive gotten a few new shirts i can play in for practice yahoo. i just want to play again, i miss it lol. only thing im not looking forward to is the game vs mt eden on tuesday. im just gonna get my game over with, probably with no enthusiasm to play them at all and just go sit and listen to music after. probably wont even attempting to make any friends with their team.
btw; happy 16th birthday to francis. hope you have a good one!
umm its like 2 am. dont know why im still up but i am so here i am lol.
i'll end it with a couple of things on my mind at the moment;
"i guess im not needed anymore huh?"
"anyone who has an idea of whats going on with me right now, let me know if im making the right or wrong decision please."
btw; happy 16th birthday to francis. hope you have a good one!
umm its like 2 am. dont know why im still up but i am so here i am lol.
i'll end it with a couple of things on my mind at the moment;
"i guess im not needed anymore huh?"
"anyone who has an idea of whats going on with me right now, let me know if im making the right or wrong decision please."
Friday, April 17, 2009
so today was pretty fun till the end. i had cotillion practice which was pretty cool. we had a good practice and made a whole number. after that i played basketball at james logan high with the bros. pretty good games. so after, we were told to go to nuggets house. than we found out that lisa, my old bestfriend who for some reason i have issues with now, is there. knowing she was there i still went in. why the hell did i go in! stupid ass me. i knew it was going to be so awkward. wttttffffffffffffff!!!! i left pretty much like 5 mins after i got there. i couldnt stay there any longer. on the ride home i just kept thinking why did i go in! before i walked in that door i really said outloud i should just leave and not go in. why didnt i listen to myself. fckin stupidddddddd
stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony!!!!
i dnt feel like saying much. night everyone
stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony. stupid tony!!!!
i dnt feel like saying much. night everyone
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
so today me, jesse, and morg didnt go to santa cruz with the rest of the others. so we went to valleyfair mall which is past great mall. all i got was one shirt. then great mall. got nothing. so i pretty much drove all that for nothing! man malls suck nowadays and its like money aint even the issue. so than went to visit jesse's dad. he's getting better which was good to see. i made a hollywood video account and didnt even get anything because they have a sucky game selection. i wouldve made one at blockbuster but u gotta be 18 :'[
i wonder how santa cruz went? i'll find out later.
now i have nothing to do. just bored so decided to post a random thingy of nothing. i have cotillion practice tomorrow and then probably go play basketball down at logan high for the night. bouta go do a myspace survey then nothing else and rot away! woooooooooooo
i know your confused. but trust me, its not you, its me. this is my decision. im sorry.
i wonder how santa cruz went? i'll find out later.
now i have nothing to do. just bored so decided to post a random thingy of nothing. i have cotillion practice tomorrow and then probably go play basketball down at logan high for the night. bouta go do a myspace survey then nothing else and rot away! woooooooooooo
i know your confused. but trust me, its not you, its me. this is my decision. im sorry.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
so far so boring
sooooooo about halfway through spring break and i haven't done anything that big. pretty much all ive done is work, cotillion practice, play basketball, play badminton...
i want to go to a party or something. meet some new people maybe. have fun! but i think thats too much to ask for around here haha.
i got invited with a whole buncha my friends to go to santa cruz beach boardwalk tomorrow to have a kick it at the beach. i was kinda excited when i heard about it but theres one bad thing about it. if your a reader of my blog that reads my updates quite frequently, youll know what im talking about. the thing is the girl that sent me that mean ass msg to me on myspace, the girl i was "best friends" with and her boyfriend, is gonna be there. so i decided im not going to go so there isnt any awkward ass bullshit drama. everyone told me to go have fun and just ignore them, but im not even going to bother.
heres a link to that post for those who havent read it. CLICK HERE
i think im going to go play badminton instead. i'll just have to hear about how fun it was through my friends later.
as for spring break, i dont have anything else planned really. i've had two plans to go out with two seperate friends of mine, just to hang out and talk about whats goin on with us, not going down anymore so boo hoo. i was looking forward to those. my spring break is pretty much over by friday because i have work again. and more practice for jonie's cotillion.
WELL, i hope everyone elses spring break has been awesome and fun! nothing interesting will happen for a while so i dont know if i'll be posting everyday.
one more thing, everyone add my friend Edsel on blogspot. he recently made one and told him i'd make a post trying to make people add him. so here he is, follow him! if u dnt know him but heard about him, his blog really shows what kind of person he really is instead of what he's labeled. kinda like me?
okay im done. night guys stay safe during break and dont do anything i wouldnt. so that means do everything ;)
i want to go to a party or something. meet some new people maybe. have fun! but i think thats too much to ask for around here haha.
i got invited with a whole buncha my friends to go to santa cruz beach boardwalk tomorrow to have a kick it at the beach. i was kinda excited when i heard about it but theres one bad thing about it. if your a reader of my blog that reads my updates quite frequently, youll know what im talking about. the thing is the girl that sent me that mean ass msg to me on myspace, the girl i was "best friends" with and her boyfriend, is gonna be there. so i decided im not going to go so there isnt any awkward ass bullshit drama. everyone told me to go have fun and just ignore them, but im not even going to bother.
heres a link to that post for those who havent read it. CLICK HERE
i think im going to go play badminton instead. i'll just have to hear about how fun it was through my friends later.
as for spring break, i dont have anything else planned really. i've had two plans to go out with two seperate friends of mine, just to hang out and talk about whats goin on with us, not going down anymore so boo hoo. i was looking forward to those. my spring break is pretty much over by friday because i have work again. and more practice for jonie's cotillion.
WELL, i hope everyone elses spring break has been awesome and fun! nothing interesting will happen for a while so i dont know if i'll be posting everyday.
one more thing, everyone add my friend Edsel on blogspot. he recently made one and told him i'd make a post trying to make people add him. so here he is, follow him! if u dnt know him but heard about him, his blog really shows what kind of person he really is instead of what he's labeled. kinda like me?
okay im done. night guys stay safe during break and dont do anything i wouldnt. so that means do everything ;)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
that feeling
i feel like we're fading apart
i feel like there's no turning back
i feel kinda hungry
i feel really tired from work
i feel tired of work
i feel we are nothing more than "hi-bye" friends
i feel like there's nothing left for me here
i feel ready to move on
i feel the need to improve
i feel like we need to talk
i feel like ignoring you from now on
i feel really out of place
i feel happy around you
i feel depressed when im around you
i feel like hiding everything with my smile
i feel in need of that girl
i feel like im bout to explode
i feel excited about the future
i feel like hugging you
i feel like holding you
i feel like letting you go
i feel like im not good enough
i feel like im wasting my time
i feel im making the right decision
i feel us going separate paths
i feel you disagree with my feelings
i feel your love with every smile you send to me
i feel the lies behind that smile.
pretty much what runs in my mind most of the time. there are many many people that each one may be. which one is you!
i feel like there's no turning back
i feel kinda hungry
i feel really tired from work
i feel tired of work
i feel we are nothing more than "hi-bye" friends
i feel like there's nothing left for me here
i feel ready to move on
i feel the need to improve
i feel like we need to talk
i feel like ignoring you from now on
i feel really out of place
i feel happy around you
i feel depressed when im around you
i feel like hiding everything with my smile
i feel in need of that girl
i feel like im bout to explode
i feel excited about the future
i feel like hugging you
i feel like holding you
i feel like letting you go
i feel like im not good enough
i feel like im wasting my time
i feel im making the right decision
i feel us going separate paths
i feel you disagree with my feelings
i feel your love with every smile you send to me
i feel the lies behind that smile.
pretty much what runs in my mind most of the time. there are many many people that each one may be. which one is you!
Friday, April 10, 2009
hello bloggers and/or readers! i know i havent been updating, you miss me huh? hahaaa siiike. yeah im a loser....
okay anyways, if you dont know by now, we straight killed SL on thursday 14-1. me and richard was that one lost...NAHHH jk jk we won haha that was kevin ramos. damn feel sorry for him i wonder what that feels like to be the only one. but hey he played his heart out and went into third set so his efforts was a win to me. i dont think i've wanted a bagel so bad in my life (not literally)
I BROKE MY RACKET! MY BABY!!!! for the second time wtf! i was so sadddd! i just got it restrung wtf! ahhhhh where do i turn to now :[ my heavy ass backup? or a new one? hmmmmm
so for that ass rape, we got to celebrate today at practice we had this lil food thingy and it was pretty awesome but i didnt eat much and now i regret it. i always do that for special occasions, regret not eating as much as i can D:
BTW; me and richard are now varsity ranked 2. we got beat by kevin and jerry in a really close game where both were decided by 2 points. we'll get it back hopefully. i let off a really bad tantrum after that lost however. i wasnt mad at richard or anyone else, i was mad at the fact that we lost overall. it was a good game though, but i mean ranking down is pretty weak. it was both me and richards little mistakes that caused the loss no one person alone. im sorry for whoever saw my mean ass side, i dont like to really show that side of me but i think on the court im like a completely different person and my competitive side takes over. well hopefully we get the rank back. we're gonna challenge every chance we get :)
sooo its SPRING BREAK! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i dont have practice at all over break, i only have work on the weekends. so wth am i going to do monday-thursday?? cotti practice? ahhhhh.
lets go get a spring fling hahaha jkjk. :P
bouta ball early in the morning tommorrow morning for $$ wooo :O
night everyone!
so is it just me or is it pretty awkward between us now? we barely talk to each other. do i have to do all of it? well ionno im sorry if ur confused on whatsup, i just dont know how to bring it up.
okay anyways, if you dont know by now, we straight killed SL on thursday 14-1. me and richard was that one lost...NAHHH jk jk we won haha that was kevin ramos. damn feel sorry for him i wonder what that feels like to be the only one. but hey he played his heart out and went into third set so his efforts was a win to me. i dont think i've wanted a bagel so bad in my life (not literally)
I BROKE MY RACKET! MY BABY!!!! for the second time wtf! i was so sadddd! i just got it restrung wtf! ahhhhh where do i turn to now :[ my heavy ass backup? or a new one? hmmmmm
so for that ass rape, we got to celebrate today at practice we had this lil food thingy and it was pretty awesome but i didnt eat much and now i regret it. i always do that for special occasions, regret not eating as much as i can D:
BTW; me and richard are now varsity ranked 2. we got beat by kevin and jerry in a really close game where both were decided by 2 points. we'll get it back hopefully. i let off a really bad tantrum after that lost however. i wasnt mad at richard or anyone else, i was mad at the fact that we lost overall. it was a good game though, but i mean ranking down is pretty weak. it was both me and richards little mistakes that caused the loss no one person alone. im sorry for whoever saw my mean ass side, i dont like to really show that side of me but i think on the court im like a completely different person and my competitive side takes over. well hopefully we get the rank back. we're gonna challenge every chance we get :)
sooo its SPRING BREAK! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i dont have practice at all over break, i only have work on the weekends. so wth am i going to do monday-thursday?? cotti practice? ahhhhh.
lets go get a spring fling hahaha jkjk. :P
bouta ball early in the morning tommorrow morning for $$ wooo :O
night everyone!
so is it just me or is it pretty awkward between us now? we barely talk to each other. do i have to do all of it? well ionno im sorry if ur confused on whatsup, i just dont know how to bring it up.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
sooooo yeah me and richard lost. am i surprised? hmm...
the team overall won. 10-5 good job guys.
i called this lady that i was good friends with today. shes REALLY good at badminton, she was very helpful to me last year. very nice too. i wanted to call her for help earlier in the season. i had her number in my old phone that i lost after i got my new phone but i found it today and got her number back! so i gave her a call and she remembers me woo hooo. so i asked her if she could be coming by and helping out the team and she said of course but shes going to be on vacation for the next week so sometime after next week she should be coming by. ooo cant wait! shes probably the best teacher i've ever had haha. i remember her calling me after HAAL and asked how i did. that shows she actually cared haha. looking forward to working with her again. the team better use her presence wisely!
report cards came out today. u guys are gonna laugh when u see mine.

LOL HOW SAD! B IN ENGLISH 10 WTF!? cuz i slept too much mannnn
so i havent updated on my current status with the ladies. as for my little fling that started up again suddenly. i dont know, i dont think i feel the same about it anymore. so as for now im not talking to anyone that way anymore. i think i should just wait until i hit college. some girls are showing some interest though so that feels pretty cool. i dont know ill just be myself and let things flow.
sorry this one was kinda boring!
go comment my myspace pic if ur bored :)
the team overall won. 10-5 good job guys.
i called this lady that i was good friends with today. shes REALLY good at badminton, she was very helpful to me last year. very nice too. i wanted to call her for help earlier in the season. i had her number in my old phone that i lost after i got my new phone but i found it today and got her number back! so i gave her a call and she remembers me woo hooo. so i asked her if she could be coming by and helping out the team and she said of course but shes going to be on vacation for the next week so sometime after next week she should be coming by. ooo cant wait! shes probably the best teacher i've ever had haha. i remember her calling me after HAAL and asked how i did. that shows she actually cared haha. looking forward to working with her again. the team better use her presence wisely!
report cards came out today. u guys are gonna laugh when u see mine.

LOL HOW SAD! B IN ENGLISH 10 WTF!? cuz i slept too much mannnn
so i havent updated on my current status with the ladies. as for my little fling that started up again suddenly. i dont know, i dont think i feel the same about it anymore. so as for now im not talking to anyone that way anymore. i think i should just wait until i hit college. some girls are showing some interest though so that feels pretty cool. i dont know ill just be myself and let things flow.
sorry this one was kinda boring!
go comment my myspace pic if ur bored :)
Monday, April 6, 2009
and so we meet again
well today was the day the whole team rearranged. they put me back with my previous partner prior to mikey, richard. we played everyone else and did pretty good. i just hope we can do well in real games. i hope he has improved since we were last partners. game vs moreau at home tomorrow, time for some revenge since we lost 7-8 last time.
my day was really good today. gotta lotta compliments on this new shirt i got haha. had good talks with tulip and manpreet during p.e that was nice. i was actually confident in how i looked today (yeah i know that sounds stupid sorry) but its really been a while since i had that feeling due to my facial deformities. <--big word
during lunch a group of girls i didnt know called out my name at a table in the quad. i turned and was like uhhh? and they was waving to come here. i looked forward to see if they meant someone else but no one was in front of me so i look back and they point at me and say "come here!" i say "me?!" and they nod yes. i take off my sunglasses to see if i knew them but i didnt. so i kept walking haha. felt kinda bad for just walking away D:
yeahhh story of the day i guess.
well thats pretty much it. btw, thanks francis (my bad lol) for the bracelet. again, sorry i dont wear bracelets haha but it was really thoughtful of u. thanks man!
alright goodbye readers!
one last thing, tell me this isnt the cutest comment ever!
(click it)

aww shes cute. :)
my day was really good today. gotta lotta compliments on this new shirt i got haha. had good talks with tulip and manpreet during p.e that was nice. i was actually confident in how i looked today (yeah i know that sounds stupid sorry) but its really been a while since i had that feeling due to my facial deformities. <--big word
during lunch a group of girls i didnt know called out my name at a table in the quad. i turned and was like uhhh? and they was waving to come here. i looked forward to see if they meant someone else but no one was in front of me so i look back and they point at me and say "come here!" i say "me?!" and they nod yes. i take off my sunglasses to see if i knew them but i didnt. so i kept walking haha. felt kinda bad for just walking away D:
yeahhh story of the day i guess.
well thats pretty much it. btw, thanks francis (my bad lol) for the bracelet. again, sorry i dont wear bracelets haha but it was really thoughtful of u. thanks man!
alright goodbye readers!
one last thing, tell me this isnt the cutest comment ever!
(click it)

aww shes cute. :)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
okay back at it!
just to prove i didnt really stop blogging here you go! haha jeeeeeeeze so gullible people. :P
ight so i got a whole lotta updates on pointless stuff of me so here we gooooooo;
so im officially partnerless on the badminton team for now. my old partner went to singles ionno why but yeah no changing that now. so i have no idea what is going on with the team because a whole lotta changes has been made and i had work on friday so i missed what happened. why is the team making all these changes? your guess is as good as mine. i personally think its stupid. the team right now is 3-3 and we bouta end 3-9 lol maybe not bad but u get the point. i guess we'll see whats up when i go to practice tomorrow. oh yeah i got my racket restrung so im kinda juiced to use it.
hmm fast n furious is a raw movie. we got to the movies at 9:45pm and its freakin sold out the whole day until like 11:45 so we had to wait for about 2 hours to watch it but hey i say it was worth it lol. me and jesse was walking towards luckys and we passed some new store i guess is some frozen yogurt thing and there was NOTHING but asians in there. it looked like some hang out spot. funny how they just stare as you walk by. i wanted to go in with jesse so he'd be the only latino in there and theyd eye him the whole time like "wtf is this?"
okay so that was friday. now to saturday. mannn what a day! me morg and jesse went to san jose state for this open campus day thing for incoming freshmen and dammmmmmmmn i love it. it looks really nice and im really looking forward to being able to go there. i want to dorm too. felt like i was at my dream school haha. and the females werent bad ;) ahh im juiced!
however, we only got through 1/2 of the campus before jesse got a phone call that made us leave fast. turns out his fathers been in the hospital since thursday but just yesterday he was getting into a criticle state and is now on life support. we rushed to the keiser hospital as fast as we could. i swear i dont think ive ever been in a car ride so quite as that one we had. everyones mind was out of it. jesse was looking very worried as was me and morg. we get to the hospital and had to wait in the waiting room for a while until we got to see his dad. when we saw him, all 3 of us could do nothing but break down into tears because we couldnt believe what we were seeing. its hard to see someone your so use to seeing happy and talkative just lying unconscious on a hospital bed on life support. we spent most of the rest of the day at the hospital. me and morgan lightened the mood with out stupid ass behavior. i think jesses dad would want us to stay happy so we didnt want to stay sad the whole time. later we got news that his heart beat and blood pressure was normal so that was a relief. now he's fighting whatever it is that he has with some medication. we all pray that he gets out of it and comes back to us. when he does, morg promised to beat him in fifa and i'm gonna george his ass. we're all praying for you Rafi. win the fight and come back to us!
okay on a lighter note:
we watched slumdog millionare afterwords and i think that is a REALLY good movie. i can really see how it won as many awards as it did. one of my new faves. highly recommended to see go go.
as of now:
washed my car finally lol. i have work in about 40 mins darn.
just got a fresh haircut! woohoooo when i say fresh i mean fresh like i just got home from it and began to blog haha. my cold sores going away. wooo hoooo. im looking normal again! hahaha damn.
well then this is a really long post but you see what happens when i dont blog in days. i gotta keep you guys interested with something to read. i gotta go wash my head with all this hairs getting me itchy. thanks for reading this long ass one if you did.
ight so i got a whole lotta updates on pointless stuff of me so here we gooooooo;
so im officially partnerless on the badminton team for now. my old partner went to singles ionno why but yeah no changing that now. so i have no idea what is going on with the team because a whole lotta changes has been made and i had work on friday so i missed what happened. why is the team making all these changes? your guess is as good as mine. i personally think its stupid. the team right now is 3-3 and we bouta end 3-9 lol maybe not bad but u get the point. i guess we'll see whats up when i go to practice tomorrow. oh yeah i got my racket restrung so im kinda juiced to use it.
hmm fast n furious is a raw movie. we got to the movies at 9:45pm and its freakin sold out the whole day until like 11:45 so we had to wait for about 2 hours to watch it but hey i say it was worth it lol. me and jesse was walking towards luckys and we passed some new store i guess is some frozen yogurt thing and there was NOTHING but asians in there. it looked like some hang out spot. funny how they just stare as you walk by. i wanted to go in with jesse so he'd be the only latino in there and theyd eye him the whole time like "wtf is this?"
okay so that was friday. now to saturday. mannn what a day! me morg and jesse went to san jose state for this open campus day thing for incoming freshmen and dammmmmmmmn i love it. it looks really nice and im really looking forward to being able to go there. i want to dorm too. felt like i was at my dream school haha. and the females werent bad ;) ahh im juiced!
however, we only got through 1/2 of the campus before jesse got a phone call that made us leave fast. turns out his fathers been in the hospital since thursday but just yesterday he was getting into a criticle state and is now on life support. we rushed to the keiser hospital as fast as we could. i swear i dont think ive ever been in a car ride so quite as that one we had. everyones mind was out of it. jesse was looking very worried as was me and morg. we get to the hospital and had to wait in the waiting room for a while until we got to see his dad. when we saw him, all 3 of us could do nothing but break down into tears because we couldnt believe what we were seeing. its hard to see someone your so use to seeing happy and talkative just lying unconscious on a hospital bed on life support. we spent most of the rest of the day at the hospital. me and morgan lightened the mood with out stupid ass behavior. i think jesses dad would want us to stay happy so we didnt want to stay sad the whole time. later we got news that his heart beat and blood pressure was normal so that was a relief. now he's fighting whatever it is that he has with some medication. we all pray that he gets out of it and comes back to us. when he does, morg promised to beat him in fifa and i'm gonna george his ass. we're all praying for you Rafi. win the fight and come back to us!
okay on a lighter note:
we watched slumdog millionare afterwords and i think that is a REALLY good movie. i can really see how it won as many awards as it did. one of my new faves. highly recommended to see go go.
as of now:
washed my car finally lol. i have work in about 40 mins darn.
just got a fresh haircut! woohoooo when i say fresh i mean fresh like i just got home from it and began to blog haha. my cold sores going away. wooo hoooo. im looking normal again! hahaha damn.
well then this is a really long post but you see what happens when i dont blog in days. i gotta keep you guys interested with something to read. i gotta go wash my head with all this hairs getting me itchy. thanks for reading this long ass one if you did.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
sorry i have to...
mannn im just going through too much right now... i dont even wanna blog anymore. this shit is buggin the hell out of me and i dnt even know why... ahhhhh stressinnnn.
i dont think im going to be blogging anymore after today cuz im tired of it. fck this sht. all i do is talk about is boring stuff so w/e. sorry to whoever reads. by the end of today, this blog will be gone...
good bye blog and readers for good
i dont think im going to be blogging anymore after today cuz im tired of it. fck this sht. all i do is talk about is boring stuff so w/e. sorry to whoever reads. by the end of today, this blog will be gone...
good bye blog and readers for good
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