my day was really good today. gotta lotta compliments on this new shirt i got haha. had good talks with tulip and manpreet during p.e that was nice. i was actually confident in how i looked today (yeah i know that sounds stupid sorry) but its really been a while since i had that feeling due to my facial deformities. <--big word
during lunch a group of girls i didnt know called out my name at a table in the quad. i turned and was like uhhh? and they was waving to come here. i looked forward to see if they meant someone else but no one was in front of me so i look back and they point at me and say "come here!" i say "me?!" and they nod yes. i take off my sunglasses to see if i knew them but i didnt. so i kept walking haha. felt kinda bad for just walking away D:
yeahhh story of the day i guess.
well thats pretty much it. btw, thanks francis (my bad lol) for the bracelet. again, sorry i dont wear bracelets haha but it was really thoughtful of u. thanks man!
alright goodbye readers!
one last thing, tell me this isnt the cutest comment ever!
(click it)

aww shes cute. :)
It's Francis* Tony :). And your welcome ;). And you did look hella cute today! Haha :D!