the team overall won. 10-5 good job guys.
i called this lady that i was good friends with today. shes REALLY good at badminton, she was very helpful to me last year. very nice too. i wanted to call her for help earlier in the season. i had her number in my old phone that i lost after i got my new phone but i found it today and got her number back! so i gave her a call and she remembers me woo hooo. so i asked her if she could be coming by and helping out the team and she said of course but shes going to be on vacation for the next week so sometime after next week she should be coming by. ooo cant wait! shes probably the best teacher i've ever had haha. i remember her calling me after HAAL and asked how i did. that shows she actually cared haha. looking forward to working with her again. the team better use her presence wisely!
report cards came out today. u guys are gonna laugh when u see mine.

LOL HOW SAD! B IN ENGLISH 10 WTF!? cuz i slept too much mannnn
so i havent updated on my current status with the ladies. as for my little fling that started up again suddenly. i dont know, i dont think i feel the same about it anymore. so as for now im not talking to anyone that way anymore. i think i should just wait until i hit college. some girls are showing some interest though so that feels pretty cool. i dont know ill just be myself and let things flow.
sorry this one was kinda boring!
go comment my myspace pic if ur bored :)
awww keep up on the good grades tony!