Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 09'!!!
The last day of 09, seeing what i've posted this whole year makes me see, damn, its been quite a ride. but im ready for what 2010 has in store and cant wait to dive into it. 09' had its ups and downs but who cares about that and lets begin the new year. let the countdown begin, here we go 2010! PARTY TONIGHTTTT! wooooot!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
excuse my tardy
well time to update since i never do. :P
yes i am back home! winter break is on for me so im home until Jan 26th. been home for a while now, just late on this post.
speaking of late, merry late christmas everyone. i hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling one. i thought we were going to have only family over at my house but it turned out to be a house full of people i didnt know except for a few of my family members. bunch of my moms friends came over and they did the usual asian karokes. it was nice to see my family members again, for the first time in what seemed like forever, we actually had everyone together at a dinner table. that was nice :)
a funny ass thing that happened that night was when i went up to this girl, about my age, that i didnt recognize and put out my hand and said "hi im tony" and she shakes my hand and says "hi im wendy" and i just smile, then look away, and about 5 seconds later i get this look on my face and say "wait...wendy???" and look at her and she smiles big and asks "remember me?" and im like :O and we hug. turns out shes my freakin cousin from my dads side that i havent seen since we were literally little kids! damn what a trip! ohh mann it was so funny how i formally introduced myself to her haha. ahh wow that was funny.
did u get what u wanted? i hope sooo :)
college update: I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES AND GOT MY CREDITS! woot woot! now this may not seem like such an accomplishment but we have to consider the fact that i have 2 jobs, went out, partied, slept in most of my classes, went through a big slump in life, and procrastinated. it feels great :)
ive finally made up with my old close friends. it was so weird and unexpected to me. funny how a near death experience can change everything right? honestly though, like i said in my previous post, it feels really good to have the burden off my shoulder and be in good terms with them. well... most of them haa. -_-
my winter break has been everything ive expected it to be, nothing but work, work and more work. but honestly, when i dont work, i dont have shit to do! i forgot how boring it is around here! ahhh !
on a serious note, even though it may not seem like it, u guys dont know how much i am thankful to have u guys back in my life. goin around the home town doesnt feel so shitty no more. i know we havent done much with our reunion, but just the fact that its there is all i need. thanks bros.
anyways, im home now! for those of you who say you miss me, how bout u try to hang out with me while we have the chance now? atleast hit me up for a visit or somethin! dont be shy, i miss u too :)
one more thing. if anyone wants to ask me anything anonymously, i've moved too come ask me something!
thanks for reading. till next time u stalkers :p
yes i am back home! winter break is on for me so im home until Jan 26th. been home for a while now, just late on this post.
speaking of late, merry late christmas everyone. i hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling one. i thought we were going to have only family over at my house but it turned out to be a house full of people i didnt know except for a few of my family members. bunch of my moms friends came over and they did the usual asian karokes. it was nice to see my family members again, for the first time in what seemed like forever, we actually had everyone together at a dinner table. that was nice :)
a funny ass thing that happened that night was when i went up to this girl, about my age, that i didnt recognize and put out my hand and said "hi im tony" and she shakes my hand and says "hi im wendy" and i just smile, then look away, and about 5 seconds later i get this look on my face and say "wait...wendy???" and look at her and she smiles big and asks "remember me?" and im like :O and we hug. turns out shes my freakin cousin from my dads side that i havent seen since we were literally little kids! damn what a trip! ohh mann it was so funny how i formally introduced myself to her haha. ahh wow that was funny.
did u get what u wanted? i hope sooo :)
college update: I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES AND GOT MY CREDITS! woot woot! now this may not seem like such an accomplishment but we have to consider the fact that i have 2 jobs, went out, partied, slept in most of my classes, went through a big slump in life, and procrastinated. it feels great :)
ive finally made up with my old close friends. it was so weird and unexpected to me. funny how a near death experience can change everything right? honestly though, like i said in my previous post, it feels really good to have the burden off my shoulder and be in good terms with them. well... most of them haa. -_-
my winter break has been everything ive expected it to be, nothing but work, work and more work. but honestly, when i dont work, i dont have shit to do! i forgot how boring it is around here! ahhh !
on a serious note, even though it may not seem like it, u guys dont know how much i am thankful to have u guys back in my life. goin around the home town doesnt feel so shitty no more. i know we havent done much with our reunion, but just the fact that its there is all i need. thanks bros.
anyways, im home now! for those of you who say you miss me, how bout u try to hang out with me while we have the chance now? atleast hit me up for a visit or somethin! dont be shy, i miss u too :)
one more thing. if anyone wants to ask me anything anonymously, i've moved too come ask me something!
thanks for reading. till next time u stalkers :p
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Answers to the questions
LAST UPDATE:12/21/09
so these are the answers to the decent questions i receive from my anonymous questionnaire. trust me when i say i am not making these questions up.i am copying and posting them directly as im getting them. the most recent ones will be going from top to bottom, oldest being on the bottom. if youd like to be included in this, shoot me an anonymous question. remember that my answers are my personal opinion. im not speaking on behalf of anyone else but me. okay, enjoy!
attention: i have moved to, ask me questions and the answers are there!
more to come!
so these are the answers to the decent questions i receive from my anonymous questionnaire. trust me when i say i am not making these questions up.i am copying and posting them directly as im getting them. the most recent ones will be going from top to bottom, oldest being on the bottom. if youd like to be included in this, shoot me an anonymous question. remember that my answers are my personal opinion. im not speaking on behalf of anyone else but me. okay, enjoy!
attention: i have moved to, ask me questions and the answers are there!
- do you consider yourself cute or hot? ;)
-im just your average guy
- where'd you get your DOMO hat from fool?!
-a spencers gift store. ive only worn it like less than 5 times, im willing to sell it if ya want it
Enter text here. I heard that you were a jackass, but when it comes to girls you put up a front?
-honestly, i dont know what this question is asking lol can someone translate for me? cant tell if its a good or bad one. but whoever it came from, if u think im a jackass just because of what you heard, u should get to know someone first before you judge them.
- Do you catch feelings for a girl easily?
-it actually varies with individual girls. if i see things that i look for and that i like in her right out the gate, than i may fall for her fast. or it may take time to see that something. or its just not there. but in general, im quick to see if a girl is cute to me, and if she is worth pursuing, right when i meet her. but that does not mean i would go for them right away.
- What is one thing you always have in your pockets?
-the blue chapstick moisturizer :p
- Do you like anyone?
-at the moment (this date), i am currently not talking to anyone. no crushes right now
- hey tony :) i see you around campus and my friends say they always see you! One of my girlfriends said they saw you at forever 21 in valleyfair?
-hello stranger, yes im around campus and yeah i work at forever21 in valleyfair. u should visit me and reveal who u and ur friends are haha :p
- if a girl was too shy to tell you that she secretly keeps all the little locks of you hair and makes voodoo dolls out of it in hopes of you one day being successful in the stock market. would you do her anyways?
-HAHAHAHA! i laughed so hard when i saw this. oh man this is funny...but creepy...but for some reason...i would still do her :]. jkjkjk!
-lol umm im answering that question haha didnt wanna post this but it was my first one so i had to.
- wsup with u and that asian girl wonton or voton??
-her names Yvonne and i nicknamed her vonton just like wonton. cute huh? well yeah shes just a good friend of mine, shes cute so i dont know why those lil underclassmen boys arent trying to get at her lol. i said it before, i would if i was her age. if u read this, hi vonton :]
- If a girl bought you concert tickets, just for you and her around Christmas time, what would you think?
-i would think that is really sweet and thoughtful since ive never had this happen before, but only IF it was specifically for me. now if it was for someone else and they changed plans on her and i was like her last resort...thenn ionno if its as sweet haha. and it depends on who it is, if im close to her or not, or if its someone random that i dont talk to at all. but overall, even if we're close or not, i would think its a sweet ass thing to do and it would make me smile...unless its a concert to someone i dont like... like miley cyrus :P whoever sent bout a hint? :)
- What is your #1 alltime turn on when you meet a girl?
-ooo this is a tough one, i would have to say, turn on wise, it would have to be the way she looks at me, talks to me, just her overall picture. how she carries herself kinda determines if shes a turn on or not. if someone would ask me what do i physically notice the most on a girl than i can get into that, but since this is just turn on wise, thats all i can say.
- what is the most embarrassing thing you've said/done around a girl that you liked?
-hahaha where do i start? i dont know if this is the most embarrassing but its just what came to mind first, i once took this girl i had a thing for out to the movies and before we watched the movie, she wanted to go eat some frozen yogurt so went to this place where they had it. we got our yogurt and stuff and get to the register and picture this: *pat my pockets*... my face does this= :O"oh my god i forgot my wallet at home!" so then she had to pay for me! i felt so stupiddd. afterwords we drove back to my place and i got my wallet so i made up for it by paying for her movie ticket. i dont know if this is embarrassing to anyone else but i find it embarrasing when a girl has to pay for me. thats just how i am!
more to come!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ask/Tell me anything.
I finally figured out how to get one of these! you guys can ask me anything, whether it be something about me or some advice, you can tell me anything, vent anything into this, spill out crap that u just need to let out and need someone elses opinion on without the bias. I will answer them as soon as possible and post them later, the questions and my answers. I will NOT reply to any negative ones or pointless ones, unless they make me laugh ^-^, so yeah dont waist your time and mines. This is completely anonymous. okay ask away! (shouldve had this when i had frequent readers -_-)
Click here to read my questions/replies.
Click here to read my questions/replies.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Its December!
I love this month. Christmas time just gets everyone in a good mood. And i like seeing those christmas lights. man i wish we got snow over here.
honestly this may sound pretty stupid, but i have been wanting to blog in a while now but i have just been so busy with work and school and midterms. it just refreshes me to let some random crap out. ionno if anyone understands what im talking about when i say that.
anyways! so i could be dead or in the hospital right now because yesterday, i was on the way to fremont around 3pm hittin 80 on the free way and my tire explodes! i almost lost control and swerved like 2 lanes before getting off to the side. omg i was so lucky no cars were in the lanes i was involved with. ohhh man my heart was pounding. but i made it through with no injuries and harm to anyone else and i changed my tire to the spare and its all gooood. wanna see a picture of it tho?
(click to enlarge)

whewwww. so yeah i could be seriously hurt right now but thank god im not.
sorry im late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. mines was alright. just spent it with the family for a bit. i had to get back to the dorm and sleep early because i had work at forever at 7AM because of black friday. ohh man was it crazy. i dont know why people shopped there and waited in a huge ass line when there wasnt even any sales we had going on.
this month im working the san antonio, washington, and orlando game with the golden state warriors. see u there?
i picked my classes for next semester and i am so lucky that i got to get my classes in because everyone is struggling right now to get into classes. next semesters schedual is looking good, but i still have to get through this semesters. finals are coming soon, im scared :\
this is the most frequently asked question when i talk to someone i havent talked to in a while: "so hows college?! partying alot huh? hows working at forever21? hows the girls? gotta girlfriend yet?"
i guess i'll answer these questions even though itll get asked again anyways haha. trust me, this is how i would answer anyone that asked me.
college is cool, getting tough because of the finals and midterms. i began college partying alot but recently i havent been doing anything and focused on getting my work and studies done. this will probably continue for the next two weeks until finals are over.
working at forever21 is everything a straight guy can ask for. cuties walking in everyday, cool coworkers, good schedule, and a good pay. i hate doing go-backs but its not bad once i know where things go.
the girls are cool. nothing big as of now. no girlfriend yet, thats no surprise right? your guess of why not is as good as mine. i really have no idea. just livin life right now and taking what it gives me i guess.
okay well im out of things to say. ill try to post something meaningful soon. but who am i kidding, who reads this crap i talk about haha. ahhhhh
winter break is soon. dec17-jan24. i think? something like that. wth will i be doing in that time? probably working a lot. but what about my free time back at home for a month? damn thats boutta be boring/lonely lol. hmm...
well then! on to codmw2 :)
till next time.
honestly this may sound pretty stupid, but i have been wanting to blog in a while now but i have just been so busy with work and school and midterms. it just refreshes me to let some random crap out. ionno if anyone understands what im talking about when i say that.
anyways! so i could be dead or in the hospital right now because yesterday, i was on the way to fremont around 3pm hittin 80 on the free way and my tire explodes! i almost lost control and swerved like 2 lanes before getting off to the side. omg i was so lucky no cars were in the lanes i was involved with. ohhh man my heart was pounding. but i made it through with no injuries and harm to anyone else and i changed my tire to the spare and its all gooood. wanna see a picture of it tho?
(click to enlarge)

whewwww. so yeah i could be seriously hurt right now but thank god im not.
sorry im late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. mines was alright. just spent it with the family for a bit. i had to get back to the dorm and sleep early because i had work at forever at 7AM because of black friday. ohh man was it crazy. i dont know why people shopped there and waited in a huge ass line when there wasnt even any sales we had going on.
this month im working the san antonio, washington, and orlando game with the golden state warriors. see u there?
i picked my classes for next semester and i am so lucky that i got to get my classes in because everyone is struggling right now to get into classes. next semesters schedual is looking good, but i still have to get through this semesters. finals are coming soon, im scared :\
this is the most frequently asked question when i talk to someone i havent talked to in a while: "so hows college?! partying alot huh? hows working at forever21? hows the girls? gotta girlfriend yet?"
i guess i'll answer these questions even though itll get asked again anyways haha. trust me, this is how i would answer anyone that asked me.
college is cool, getting tough because of the finals and midterms. i began college partying alot but recently i havent been doing anything and focused on getting my work and studies done. this will probably continue for the next two weeks until finals are over.
working at forever21 is everything a straight guy can ask for. cuties walking in everyday, cool coworkers, good schedule, and a good pay. i hate doing go-backs but its not bad once i know where things go.
the girls are cool. nothing big as of now. no girlfriend yet, thats no surprise right? your guess of why not is as good as mine. i really have no idea. just livin life right now and taking what it gives me i guess.
okay well im out of things to say. ill try to post something meaningful soon. but who am i kidding, who reads this crap i talk about haha. ahhhhh
winter break is soon. dec17-jan24. i think? something like that. wth will i be doing in that time? probably working a lot. but what about my free time back at home for a month? damn thats boutta be boring/lonely lol. hmm...
well then! on to codmw2 :)
till next time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I did fuck up. I did change. I did bring this upon myself. It's not all my fault, but majority of it was. Just put all the blame on me.
Just to let you know, Jesse, that blog wasn't all towards you. Matter of fact, there were only a few lines concerning u. For what it's worth, of everyone thats done this to me, I respect you the most for being the only one that's even talked to me about it, and attempted to do something about it. At least you didn't just change on me without saying a word like the others. If anyone deserves to hate me than it's you. I'm sorry that you had to be the one I told "there's nothing worth coming back to". I wasn't even aiming that towards you, I just wanted it to be known. If you had told me that it really impacted you that much than I would've apologized for it way earlier. It's just that you told me off from there on.... but just to confirm ur reactions, the point and laugh part was one of the many that weren't about you, but about marc and morgan cuz all they do is make fun of me for getting cut from the football and basketball team back in early years of highschool which is fucked up cuz i really tried my ass off just to be told i wasnt good enough, and pointing out someones failure is just fucked up in general, also if i remember right, when you quit the fb team, im pretty sure i told you i would've been quit if i was in your position....yeahh ionno what else to say about that.
Thank you for being a good friend and at least trying to talk it out. Unlike them.
Just to let you know, Jesse, that blog wasn't all towards you. Matter of fact, there were only a few lines concerning u. For what it's worth, of everyone thats done this to me, I respect you the most for being the only one that's even talked to me about it, and attempted to do something about it. At least you didn't just change on me without saying a word like the others. If anyone deserves to hate me than it's you. I'm sorry that you had to be the one I told "there's nothing worth coming back to". I wasn't even aiming that towards you, I just wanted it to be known. If you had told me that it really impacted you that much than I would've apologized for it way earlier. It's just that you told me off from there on.... but just to confirm ur reactions, the point and laugh part was one of the many that weren't about you, but about marc and morgan cuz all they do is make fun of me for getting cut from the football and basketball team back in early years of highschool which is fucked up cuz i really tried my ass off just to be told i wasnt good enough, and pointing out someones failure is just fucked up in general, also if i remember right, when you quit the fb team, im pretty sure i told you i would've been quit if i was in your position....yeahh ionno what else to say about that.
Thank you for being a good friend and at least trying to talk it out. Unlike them.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
How does it feel?
Can you put yourself in my shoes for a minute, and truly tell me how it feels. Can you imagine all of this for me please? How would you feel if you knew you were going to a college with none of your "real" friends at all, and you were forced to start all over. What if you use to actually believe your friends where more of a family to you than your very own blood family, only to see that family turn their back on you. How would you feel, if all you did was try to live the college life you were always picturing, only to get hated for trying to live it. What if you just sat and slowly watched as every fuckin one of your friends faded away from you right in front of your eyes. What if you only sat and asked why, why don't you talk anymore, why don't you laugh with each other anymore, why aren't we friends anymore, and all they say is that you've changed for the bad. What if they never even gave you a chance to see, themselves, if you were the same or not. What would you do if everyone of your bros just hated you without any explanations. What if their perspective on you changed completely only based on what they've heard or read. What if their hate, caused other people to hate you, without them even knowing whats going on. What if you wanted, so fuckin bad, to sit and talk it out in person before it got out of hand but they never even tried before telling u off and cussing you out. How would you feel if every one of your friends ended up talking so much shit about you with no purpose at all. How would you feel if you had no one, at all, looking forward to seeing you when you went back home other then your mother. Do you know how it feels to drive through a town your not wanted in, especially if its your own home town? Do you know what it feels like to drive pass your old friends houses and having to fight the urge to stop and visit? Do you know what its like to have friends that do nothing but point, laugh, and make fun at your failed attempts at things that you fuckin put sweat and tears into? How would you feel if their words made you tear up secretly and you can do nothing but pretend it doesn't hurt you. Do you know how it feels to honestly have no one to spill your true feelings to so that your only option is a blog? Have you typed a blog that made you tear up? And yet they even talk shit about that. Picture all of this shit happening to you. Can you really tell me how it feels? Can you even imagine how much it hurts? I doubt it because this has never happened to you. I just wanted to post this and hope you see what I'm going through. Maybe this will change how you see this situation, or maybe you'll just end up talking even more crap about it. All I'm asking for is one thing, before you go and cuss me out, and go tell others how much I've changed, and talk all the shit in the world about me, just put yourself in my mind for a minute, and if your still able to talk shit about me after knowing all that I've been through, than maybe i just deserve it. Please, don't just sit there and talk negative about me selfishly without seeing it through my eyes, because i know for a fact you don't know how it feels to be the one receiving it.
This blog took me about 2-3 hours to complete even with my full concentration because I put in that much thought. I tried to say it all, but I bet some more is missing. It's like I know what to say, but I just don't know how to say it. Hopefully this is the last time I blog about this. At least that's what I'm intending.
I hope everyone else is doing fine though. Please excuse my emo-self. I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel down. If it helps, I'll end it with one of these... :)
This blog took me about 2-3 hours to complete even with my full concentration because I put in that much thought. I tried to say it all, but I bet some more is missing. It's like I know what to say, but I just don't know how to say it. Hopefully this is the last time I blog about this. At least that's what I'm intending.
I hope everyone else is doing fine though. Please excuse my emo-self. I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel down. If it helps, I'll end it with one of these... :)
Take this to heart.
look at what your doing in your life right now, what you plan on doing later on, why youre doing it, who youre doing it with, where youre doing it, and ask yourself, where are you going with it? what are you trying to get out of it? if you ask me, you ain't getting shit out of it and youre going nowhere in life. grow up. i know youre reading this.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
damn i know i havent posted in forever, no time lately. im gonna try and make this quick with the updates.
halloweens coming and i dont know what imma be or what imma do yet. hmmm..
i now work with both the Golden State Warriors and Forever21 and i'm enjoying both jobs even though it is pretty time consuming. forever21 is fun cuz i do nothing but check out the girls that come in everyday haha ahh i love it. 2 random girls already asked for my number very unexpectedly aha. my cowokers are cool too. having two sources of income is a good feelin lol.
i have come to the conclusion that every one of my class are freakin stupid and are a waste of my time. i regret signing up for each one of them.
midterms are very stressful but im tryna make it through okay. this college life is overwhelming. if you highschoolers think thats tough, you guys have it easy. man i needa break. after this week i may be stress free again. :p
typing this on my new laptop, hp with windows 7. its awesome n i love it.
isnt this the cutest thing ever from vonton? aww i <3 her. always getting me to smile :)
(click to enlarge)

dunno why she would want to go with me tho! she can get anyone else :p sad thing is i dont know if im going to be able to :\
(reading this over i noticed how the mood shifts right about here haha my bad)
hmm i find myself wondering if anyone on the other side back home is missin me. does anyone still remember me over there? do i ever come up in conversations? if so, for good or bad? bad huh? do i come across anyone elses minds? some nights i really get the urge to talk to my old friends again. especially my old bros again. just to see how theyre doing. no homo but i miss em. bromo. i wanna just forget about what happened and just be cool again. i find myself wanting to say sorry but then i realize im not the one that sould be apologizing. i didnt even do anything wrong towards them. i hate how stubborn i am, i dont wanna cave first. this right here is already showing my weakness in my own dignity. if it came down to it tho, id be willing to be the bigger person and apologize. but i dont see how that would occur with how far its gone already...
ive probably said too much, i knew blogging would bring this shit out in me...w/e...forget it..
till next time.
halloweens coming and i dont know what imma be or what imma do yet. hmmm..
i now work with both the Golden State Warriors and Forever21 and i'm enjoying both jobs even though it is pretty time consuming. forever21 is fun cuz i do nothing but check out the girls that come in everyday haha ahh i love it. 2 random girls already asked for my number very unexpectedly aha. my cowokers are cool too. having two sources of income is a good feelin lol.
i have come to the conclusion that every one of my class are freakin stupid and are a waste of my time. i regret signing up for each one of them.
midterms are very stressful but im tryna make it through okay. this college life is overwhelming. if you highschoolers think thats tough, you guys have it easy. man i needa break. after this week i may be stress free again. :p
typing this on my new laptop, hp with windows 7. its awesome n i love it.
isnt this the cutest thing ever from vonton? aww i <3 her. always getting me to smile :)
(click to enlarge)

dunno why she would want to go with me tho! she can get anyone else :p sad thing is i dont know if im going to be able to :\
(reading this over i noticed how the mood shifts right about here haha my bad)
hmm i find myself wondering if anyone on the other side back home is missin me. does anyone still remember me over there? do i ever come up in conversations? if so, for good or bad? bad huh? do i come across anyone elses minds? some nights i really get the urge to talk to my old friends again. especially my old bros again. just to see how theyre doing. no homo but i miss em. bromo. i wanna just forget about what happened and just be cool again. i find myself wanting to say sorry but then i realize im not the one that sould be apologizing. i didnt even do anything wrong towards them. i hate how stubborn i am, i dont wanna cave first. this right here is already showing my weakness in my own dignity. if it came down to it tho, id be willing to be the bigger person and apologize. but i dont see how that would occur with how far its gone already...
ive probably said too much, i knew blogging would bring this shit out in me...w/e...forget it..
till next time.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Real Talk
you can be the prettiest girl around, but if your personality is ugly, im not tryna have it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thank you
I just want to give thanks to anyone that still reads any of the crap I've been saying lately. A lot of thanks goes out to anyone that really read my "I use to" post and gave me a comment to keep my head up especially whoever "Anonymous" was. Its obvious to see, I've lost a friend, or should I say friends, just recently. But losing friends is a part of life right? They come and go. Its just the fact that they were really close friends to me that really hurt me. But dont worry, im going to be alright. Life goes on. I just want to assure everyone I am doing fine. Like my friend Malina says, "Only people who matter in your past, will make it into your future".
Sorry for these stupid sad posts lately,I'll try to post some cheering ones soon. Damn though, 7 (when i posted this) people thought my "I use to" post was sad and 4 people related. Thats something I wouldnt want people to relate to because its honestly one of the worst emotional feelings to ever have. So whoever can relate to that post, just read over Malina's quote and believe that shit cuz its really true.
on a follow up of my last post before this one, the reason I posted that was because alot of people tell me "Tony, why wont you just go to tumblr, its better and everyone else is doing it". I only think tumblr looks better but seriously, literally ALL i see on people's tumblrs are quotes and pictures, never any meaningful posts. thats why I stick to blogspot, not only because mines is already something special to me, but because blogspot is meant to be where you spill shit to like i do. I dont care how popular or dead this site is, im going to stick with it. i dont care who reads this, or what crap they say about it. I know i say some real deep personal crap on here, but its just because i really dont have any friend that im truly comfortable with telling everything im feeling to. and for some reason i dont even know, people find them interesting enough to read even when they're super long. why is that? is it the way i type or something? lol. my little diary with every grammatical error you can think of :)
well yeah, thanks again to whoever still reads! i hope im saying the right things to keep you readers coming back. damn 10300+ hits? mmm yummy. and to anyone who can relate to my crap, keep your heads up, dont let that shit keep u down k?
stay hip.
Sorry for these stupid sad posts lately,I'll try to post some cheering ones soon. Damn though, 7 (when i posted this) people thought my "I use to" post was sad and 4 people related. Thats something I wouldnt want people to relate to because its honestly one of the worst emotional feelings to ever have. So whoever can relate to that post, just read over Malina's quote and believe that shit cuz its really true.
on a follow up of my last post before this one, the reason I posted that was because alot of people tell me "Tony, why wont you just go to tumblr, its better and everyone else is doing it". I only think tumblr looks better but seriously, literally ALL i see on people's tumblrs are quotes and pictures, never any meaningful posts. thats why I stick to blogspot, not only because mines is already something special to me, but because blogspot is meant to be where you spill shit to like i do. I dont care how popular or dead this site is, im going to stick with it. i dont care who reads this, or what crap they say about it. I know i say some real deep personal crap on here, but its just because i really dont have any friend that im truly comfortable with telling everything im feeling to. and for some reason i dont even know, people find them interesting enough to read even when they're super long. why is that? is it the way i type or something? lol. my little diary with every grammatical error you can think of :)
well yeah, thanks again to whoever still reads! i hope im saying the right things to keep you readers coming back. damn 10300+ hits? mmm yummy. and to anyone who can relate to my crap, keep your heads up, dont let that shit keep u down k?
stay hip.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Not goin anywhere
I don't know about you,
but I'm not joining that tumblr bandwagon.
I'm a Blogspot Original and Im gonna keep it that way :)
but I'm not joining that tumblr bandwagon.
I'm a Blogspot Original and Im gonna keep it that way :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I use to...
I use to be your friend.
I use to look forward to seeing you.
I use to tell you everything.
I use to trust you.
I use to drive you everywhere.
I use to be the one you used for rides.
I use to always be the designated driver.
I use to enjoy our times together.
I use to grow up with you.
I use to be your best friend. Remember that?
I use to talk to you everyday.
I use to know you always had my back no matter what.
I use to relate with you.
I use to miss you.
I use to talk hours with you on the phone.
I use to buy you flowers.
I use to be your teammate.
I use to look up to you.
I use to learn from your mistakes.
I use to talk to you.
I use to laugh till i cried with you.
I use to try to fix our issues.
I use to think you where a true friend.
I use to never second guess our friendship.
I use to think we would never fade.
I use to believe what you say.
I use to think of you everyday.
I use to always bring you up unwillingly.
I use to respect you.
I use to think you would never talk shit about me.
I use to never speak negative about you.
I use to have close friends.
I use to think we were fine .
I use to always be with you.
I use to be your brother.
I use to always hug you.
I use to think of everyone, you wouldn't do that to me.
I use to have so many inside jokes with you.
I use to smile when I saw you.
I use to smile when I thought of you.
I use to want to be around you.
I use to be someone to you.
I use to do everything with you.
I use to have no worries with you.
I use to have fun with you .
I use to love you...
Look at us now...
What happened? I know we've changed, chances are, it's probably all on me. That's what time and distance does to people. But ask yourself, what did I ever do directly towards you to make you hate me? I don't care what you think of me anymore. Chances are, your going to talk shit about this blog post too. Thinking about what we use to be compared to how we are now really makes me wanna cry. I'm kinda getting teary eyed typing this shit. Go ahead and call me a baby I don't care. It's probably too late for apologies. Whats done is done.
Goodbye old friend.
I use to look forward to seeing you.
I use to tell you everything.
I use to trust you.
I use to drive you everywhere.
I use to be the one you used for rides.
I use to always be the designated driver.
I use to enjoy our times together.
I use to grow up with you.
I use to be your best friend. Remember that?
I use to talk to you everyday.
I use to know you always had my back no matter what.
I use to relate with you.
I use to miss you.
I use to talk hours with you on the phone.
I use to buy you flowers.
I use to be your teammate.
I use to look up to you.
I use to learn from your mistakes.
I use to talk to you.
I use to laugh till i cried with you.
I use to try to fix our issues.
I use to think you where a true friend.
I use to never second guess our friendship.
I use to think we would never fade.
I use to believe what you say.
I use to think of you everyday.
I use to always bring you up unwillingly.
I use to respect you.
I use to think you would never talk shit about me.
I use to never speak negative about you.
I use to have close friends.
I use to think we were fine .
I use to always be with you.
I use to be your brother.
I use to always hug you.
I use to think of everyone, you wouldn't do that to me.
I use to have so many inside jokes with you.
I use to smile when I saw you.
I use to smile when I thought of you.
I use to want to be around you.
I use to be someone to you.
I use to do everything with you.
I use to have no worries with you.
I use to have fun with you .
I use to love you...
Look at us now...
What happened? I know we've changed, chances are, it's probably all on me. That's what time and distance does to people. But ask yourself, what did I ever do directly towards you to make you hate me? I don't care what you think of me anymore. Chances are, your going to talk shit about this blog post too. Thinking about what we use to be compared to how we are now really makes me wanna cry. I'm kinda getting teary eyed typing this shit. Go ahead and call me a baby I don't care. It's probably too late for apologies. Whats done is done.
Goodbye old friend.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
i know it took a while but here i am as i said i would if i got 5! :)
i have had so much shit to talk about but no time at all. schoolwork has been bustin my ass off lol. im so tired right now, i literally had less than a total of 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. my eyes are half shut as i type this. so i hope this is worth it! see what i do for you readers out there ;)
where do i begin? well lets update on college. i still love it. over the weekdays i do hw and crap but over the weekend i do nothing but party lol.
one funny thing that happened recently was that me and eric went to our music class on this exam day and were pretty much the most unprepared. we didnt do the study guide that had like 99 key term definitions and barely studied. well eric pretty knows everything about music already so he got the test questions like nothing and then told me the answers for like more than half of em. then we asked the teacher if we can turn in the study guide late and she said only if we turn it in by 2:30pm that day. we go back to my dorm and do it so fast and she takes it. so we pretty much just aced that crap without studying or anything :)
in my english class. i had to type up a 4 page essay about factors that made me who i am today. then i had to bring my rough draft into class and read it to a group team in my class so they can peer edit it. i swear, they freakin loved my essay. they said "my writing really paints a vivid picture. feels like we are actually there and relating." something about my writing that people love i guess. i hope thats true!
one sad thing that happened just yesterday was i lost my longboard! well technically its a shortboard. i forgot it in the dining complex ahhhh! my freakin dumbass! it was my first board. my baby :( i miss it. hopefully by some miracle it turns up. if not though, there goes $130 down the drizzy :[
so maybe your wondering how its going with the girls now that im in college and all. wellllll! i've met plenty. mostly just friends tho. i have met some great friends already. they come n go. as for anything on the serious side, there has been one. buuuutttt, that didnt go so well. to sum it up in one line : im not gonna make someone my priority, when im only an option. ya feel?
movin on...
i played badminton today and HOLY SHIT do i suck ass now. omg it has been TOO long. it was soooooo embarrassing hahaha. if u saw me play today, and i told you i use to be good at badminton and played varsity ranked 1, the drink you were drinking would probably come out ur nose all over my face D: on a positive note, i've been doing pretty good in basketball though :D
im surprised! i got 6 comments on my last post when i just asked for 5 :) aww i missed you guys too. another surprising thing is how i still get alotta views on this blog lol. i feel bad cuz the views come but i dont even update! i r sorry! please still accept me? almost double digit thousand views! woooo! :)
a lot of shout outs are due so here we go sorry so late!:
-shouts to gabby cuz i said i would.
-happy late birthday shoutout to IVANAPOOH! :)
-happy late birthday shoutout to Eric! aboutta have a bomb ass party friday night and have fun. cant wait. dis nikka is my beer pong partner that night haha.
-happy birthday to kayson.
-happy early birthday to kacy! :D
-shouts to yuki, did u find this shit like u said u would or what? lol.
about 1 out of those 6 read this crap lol. whatevaaa its the thought that counts.
well yeah i have a 7:30 am class in about 6 i should bring this to an end. i think im going home tomorrow for the day and coming back here at night. no plans on visiting anyone though. who is there to visit? no one really. its not the same on the other side anymore.
thank you for reading this! i know i say this every freakin time i blog but i will try to blog more frequently! i hope this was a good read.
p.s- a song that kind of really describes how im feelin right now is one called " Fear - Drake" i fckin love this song. one of the most legit i've ever heard. check it out!
on that note, night everyone! honestly, keep in touch, i miss you guys.
i have had so much shit to talk about but no time at all. schoolwork has been bustin my ass off lol. im so tired right now, i literally had less than a total of 6 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. my eyes are half shut as i type this. so i hope this is worth it! see what i do for you readers out there ;)
where do i begin? well lets update on college. i still love it. over the weekdays i do hw and crap but over the weekend i do nothing but party lol.
one funny thing that happened recently was that me and eric went to our music class on this exam day and were pretty much the most unprepared. we didnt do the study guide that had like 99 key term definitions and barely studied. well eric pretty knows everything about music already so he got the test questions like nothing and then told me the answers for like more than half of em. then we asked the teacher if we can turn in the study guide late and she said only if we turn it in by 2:30pm that day. we go back to my dorm and do it so fast and she takes it. so we pretty much just aced that crap without studying or anything :)
in my english class. i had to type up a 4 page essay about factors that made me who i am today. then i had to bring my rough draft into class and read it to a group team in my class so they can peer edit it. i swear, they freakin loved my essay. they said "my writing really paints a vivid picture. feels like we are actually there and relating." something about my writing that people love i guess. i hope thats true!
one sad thing that happened just yesterday was i lost my longboard! well technically its a shortboard. i forgot it in the dining complex ahhhh! my freakin dumbass! it was my first board. my baby :( i miss it. hopefully by some miracle it turns up. if not though, there goes $130 down the drizzy :[
so maybe your wondering how its going with the girls now that im in college and all. wellllll! i've met plenty. mostly just friends tho. i have met some great friends already. they come n go. as for anything on the serious side, there has been one. buuuutttt, that didnt go so well. to sum it up in one line : im not gonna make someone my priority, when im only an option. ya feel?
movin on...
i played badminton today and HOLY SHIT do i suck ass now. omg it has been TOO long. it was soooooo embarrassing hahaha. if u saw me play today, and i told you i use to be good at badminton and played varsity ranked 1, the drink you were drinking would probably come out ur nose all over my face D: on a positive note, i've been doing pretty good in basketball though :D
im surprised! i got 6 comments on my last post when i just asked for 5 :) aww i missed you guys too. another surprising thing is how i still get alotta views on this blog lol. i feel bad cuz the views come but i dont even update! i r sorry! please still accept me? almost double digit thousand views! woooo! :)
a lot of shout outs are due so here we go sorry so late!:
-shouts to gabby cuz i said i would.
-happy late birthday shoutout to IVANAPOOH! :)
-happy late birthday shoutout to Eric! aboutta have a bomb ass party friday night and have fun. cant wait. dis nikka is my beer pong partner that night haha.
-happy birthday to kayson.
-happy early birthday to kacy! :D
-shouts to yuki, did u find this shit like u said u would or what? lol.
about 1 out of those 6 read this crap lol. whatevaaa its the thought that counts.
well yeah i have a 7:30 am class in about 6 i should bring this to an end. i think im going home tomorrow for the day and coming back here at night. no plans on visiting anyone though. who is there to visit? no one really. its not the same on the other side anymore.
thank you for reading this! i know i say this every freakin time i blog but i will try to blog more frequently! i hope this was a good read.
p.s- a song that kind of really describes how im feelin right now is one called " Fear - Drake" i fckin love this song. one of the most legit i've ever heard. check it out!
on that note, night everyone! honestly, keep in touch, i miss you guys.
stay chill,
Monday, September 7, 2009
lets see...
if i get atleast 5 comments on this blog showing that people still read this, i'll post a decent blogpost :)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Dear Everyone,
Hey! sup everyoneeeeeeee. typing this from my dorm right now. man oh man do i have so much to say but too little time. im sorry for never updating anymore. im barely ever online anymore. but i promise i wont just disappear off the face of the earth. i'll try to update when i have time! who reads this crap anymore though right? :P
WELL! college is GRRRRRRREAT! i freakin love it. we have unlimited access into this like buffet of food ahhh! and it changes everyday. mmmmm.
my classes arent all that hard. BUT LET ME TELL YOU, i got HOOKED UP!!!! first off, parking here for ONE semester (3-4 monthhs) is $316 right, i talked to this guy that used someone elses spot for like a year and got a hookup at this spot inna underground apartment garage with this old dude that was renting out his spot. $30/month! he just wanted 6 months in advance so thats $180 for 6 months! wowwww :) so i saved about $400 right there.
THEN, while getting my books, one of my friends said that if i have financial aid, i can be eligibal for renting up to $150 of books for free. i go apply for it at the office and meet this nice ol' viet lady. so in order to get the books, i have to go to the book store and find the new prices. i go and get the prices of these two books that im required to get, and they are both atleast $140+ each! AHH! so im expecting to just get one right, so then im talking to the viet lady and shes like "oh my gootness dis so expensif, im going to hep u ok?" and im like yeah sure. so she hooks me up with BOTH the books i needed for free! so thats another $300 saved! WOWWW. im so lucky :) $700 saved just like that, my momma would be proud.
let me tell you guys about the ladies..... ohh mannn the ladies. ahhh i love it. so beautiful. and it gets sooo fuckin hot around SJ so all the girls are in short shorts and MM MMM! ahhh. i've met so many already, i cant keep track of their names lol.
im planning on going to a BBQ later on tonight with mike and eric.... haha honestly while typing this, eric just called me to tell me to get ready. big frat/sorority bbq tonight! like 100+ people attending. im juiced. will i do anything bad? hmm we'll see. dont worry i can control myself. im the best person to not give into peer pressure. but im down for w/e tonight. haha :D
and i love you too!
im going back to my house on saturday to get some stuff and a haircut. i miss my nikkas tho bouta kick it with them hopefully.
WELL, i really gotta cut this off right about now, gotta go hit the BBQ. stay safe everyone. thanks for reading. hope everyones enjoying their new school year. geeze you kiddos are getting old ;)
WELL! college is GRRRRRRREAT! i freakin love it. we have unlimited access into this like buffet of food ahhh! and it changes everyday. mmmmm.
my classes arent all that hard. BUT LET ME TELL YOU, i got HOOKED UP!!!! first off, parking here for ONE semester (3-4 monthhs) is $316 right, i talked to this guy that used someone elses spot for like a year and got a hookup at this spot inna underground apartment garage with this old dude that was renting out his spot. $30/month! he just wanted 6 months in advance so thats $180 for 6 months! wowwww :) so i saved about $400 right there.
THEN, while getting my books, one of my friends said that if i have financial aid, i can be eligibal for renting up to $150 of books for free. i go apply for it at the office and meet this nice ol' viet lady. so in order to get the books, i have to go to the book store and find the new prices. i go and get the prices of these two books that im required to get, and they are both atleast $140+ each! AHH! so im expecting to just get one right, so then im talking to the viet lady and shes like "oh my gootness dis so expensif, im going to hep u ok?" and im like yeah sure. so she hooks me up with BOTH the books i needed for free! so thats another $300 saved! WOWWW. im so lucky :) $700 saved just like that, my momma would be proud.
let me tell you guys about the ladies..... ohh mannn the ladies. ahhh i love it. so beautiful. and it gets sooo fuckin hot around SJ so all the girls are in short shorts and MM MMM! ahhh. i've met so many already, i cant keep track of their names lol.
im planning on going to a BBQ later on tonight with mike and eric.... haha honestly while typing this, eric just called me to tell me to get ready. big frat/sorority bbq tonight! like 100+ people attending. im juiced. will i do anything bad? hmm we'll see. dont worry i can control myself. im the best person to not give into peer pressure. but im down for w/e tonight. haha :D
and i love you too!
im going back to my house on saturday to get some stuff and a haircut. i miss my nikkas tho bouta kick it with them hopefully.
WELL, i really gotta cut this off right about now, gotta go hit the BBQ. stay safe everyone. thanks for reading. hope everyones enjoying their new school year. geeze you kiddos are getting old ;)
Coming from my dorm in SJSU,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Left Unsaid
ever have something you wanted to say,
but inside u just know u shouldnt?
there's always been things that i wanted to tell certain people.
but sometimes, in my mind, they're just better left unsaid.
if its something on the serious side, i usually ask myself
"what am i trying to get out of this?"
"is there even a point?"
there are things i just want to say,
but inside i dont think it would change a thing between us.
maybe because its too late.
maybe im just scared to say it.
am i too shy to say it?
or do i have too much pride to say it?
for example, theres things i wanna tell a certain person,
but i know its pointless since we'll barely see eachother anymore.
there are certain things i wanna tell another person,
but we arent even cool like that.
sometimes the consequences of saying a certain thought,
may seem worse then the benefits.
im the type of person that is always thinking about
what will happen if this happens or that.
and even as bad as i want to say some things,
i tend to play it safe and hold it in.
does anyone else ever think some things are best left unsaid?
the bad thing about this is that,
"what if?" will always be in the back of my mind.
i will always wonder what would happen if i ever did say what i really felt.
but thats just how i am.
to me, some things are just better left unsaid.
ya feel?
but inside u just know u shouldnt?
there's always been things that i wanted to tell certain people.
but sometimes, in my mind, they're just better left unsaid.
if its something on the serious side, i usually ask myself
"what am i trying to get out of this?"
"is there even a point?"
there are things i just want to say,
but inside i dont think it would change a thing between us.
maybe because its too late.
maybe im just scared to say it.
am i too shy to say it?
or do i have too much pride to say it?
for example, theres things i wanna tell a certain person,
but i know its pointless since we'll barely see eachother anymore.
there are certain things i wanna tell another person,
but we arent even cool like that.
sometimes the consequences of saying a certain thought,
may seem worse then the benefits.
im the type of person that is always thinking about
what will happen if this happens or that.
and even as bad as i want to say some things,
i tend to play it safe and hold it in.
does anyone else ever think some things are best left unsaid?
the bad thing about this is that,
"what if?" will always be in the back of my mind.
i will always wonder what would happen if i ever did say what i really felt.
but thats just how i am.
to me, some things are just better left unsaid.
ya feel?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
we back on it
hello world. i know i know, where the hell have i been right? ionno why but i havent blogged in the past whole week! just been too lazy. but dont worry, im here to please once again. (not really -_-)
ight so updates eh? hmm lets see! well, friday was jonies c u later bbq. it was fuuuuuuuuun. got to see all my friends again. what a long drive though agh! i lost a bet to morgan that there wasnt gonna be a toll fee and there was D: awwww jonie looked nice. she was moving out to merced with her sister for college the next day. we all chilled, played some pool (i challenge you), some super smash bros (i challenge you), and some basketball (ionno about this one lol). well we stayed till like 3AM. it was kinda sad to say our goodbyes. but i know jontay will be back for visits. she promised me we're gonna kick it again! i know it wasnt goodbye though, its just c u later. and i shall :) jonie if ur reading this, i hope you like ur new place and have fun in college! stay safe and cool 8) dont forget about me!
saturday, i went to the movies with my friend stephanie cuz she aimed me like "damn im so bored nothing to do tonight" and i thought heyyy me too so i told her "heyyy me too lol lets watch district 9" and vual-la! on this topic : district 9 is one of the best movies ive ever watched. may be in my top list of best 09' movie. super recommended! see it!
sunday i had a family reunion for this ritual for my beloved grandma. man i miss her, has it really been a year already? feels like just yesterday... :'( it was nice seein my cousins again though, been a while. well it was so scary dude, during the ritual, this monk was saying alotta mumbo jumbo and then all of a sudden, the whole house lost its power. the lights went out! how scary right?! it was like 10 AM and perfect weather out. ohh man was that a sign?? after the whole thing was over, the power was still out, and we headed out to eat. on the way to the car, we noticed that the streetlights were off too, so i guess the whole area lost its power. right when we pulled out, the streetlights went back on. oh my god thats like something u see in the movies! if it was my grandma that did that to show she was there with us, i hope she knows i miss her!
school started today for most of my friends that i hang out with. who the hell do i hang out with now! D: well i head out to the dorm this saturday, i have HELLA shit to bring man. i talked to my roomate about what we should bring and he seems cool. we're bouta have TWO fridges in our dorm since me and him have one each haha niceeee. im so juiiiiiiiiced! school starts next monday for me. i can not wait.
i have to come back next friday though cuz i have traffic school next saturday. gayyyyy. after that though, im probably going to be visiting maybe every other weekend, if not, probably even later. its finally starting to hit me, college is here. the start of a new chapter in our lives. i hope everyone enjoys it and takes advantage of everything college has to offer. i know i will :)
well then! this is my official last week of summer. dam it went by fast. i need to start packing soon. looking back at my summer, id say it wasnt that bad. couldve been alot better but it couldve been worse. i enjoyed chillin with the people i got to chill with. :) hope ur summer was great too :D
well stay tuned for more updates. i hope you return to read another day! ty for your time!
stay hip.
ight so updates eh? hmm lets see! well, friday was jonies c u later bbq. it was fuuuuuuuuun. got to see all my friends again. what a long drive though agh! i lost a bet to morgan that there wasnt gonna be a toll fee and there was D: awwww jonie looked nice. she was moving out to merced with her sister for college the next day. we all chilled, played some pool (i challenge you), some super smash bros (i challenge you), and some basketball (ionno about this one lol). well we stayed till like 3AM. it was kinda sad to say our goodbyes. but i know jontay will be back for visits. she promised me we're gonna kick it again! i know it wasnt goodbye though, its just c u later. and i shall :) jonie if ur reading this, i hope you like ur new place and have fun in college! stay safe and cool 8) dont forget about me!
saturday, i went to the movies with my friend stephanie cuz she aimed me like "damn im so bored nothing to do tonight" and i thought heyyy me too so i told her "heyyy me too lol lets watch district 9" and vual-la! on this topic : district 9 is one of the best movies ive ever watched. may be in my top list of best 09' movie. super recommended! see it!
sunday i had a family reunion for this ritual for my beloved grandma. man i miss her, has it really been a year already? feels like just yesterday... :'( it was nice seein my cousins again though, been a while. well it was so scary dude, during the ritual, this monk was saying alotta mumbo jumbo and then all of a sudden, the whole house lost its power. the lights went out! how scary right?! it was like 10 AM and perfect weather out. ohh man was that a sign?? after the whole thing was over, the power was still out, and we headed out to eat. on the way to the car, we noticed that the streetlights were off too, so i guess the whole area lost its power. right when we pulled out, the streetlights went back on. oh my god thats like something u see in the movies! if it was my grandma that did that to show she was there with us, i hope she knows i miss her!
school started today for most of my friends that i hang out with. who the hell do i hang out with now! D: well i head out to the dorm this saturday, i have HELLA shit to bring man. i talked to my roomate about what we should bring and he seems cool. we're bouta have TWO fridges in our dorm since me and him have one each haha niceeee. im so juiiiiiiiiced! school starts next monday for me. i can not wait.
i have to come back next friday though cuz i have traffic school next saturday. gayyyyy. after that though, im probably going to be visiting maybe every other weekend, if not, probably even later. its finally starting to hit me, college is here. the start of a new chapter in our lives. i hope everyone enjoys it and takes advantage of everything college has to offer. i know i will :)
well then! this is my official last week of summer. dam it went by fast. i need to start packing soon. looking back at my summer, id say it wasnt that bad. couldve been alot better but it couldve been worse. i enjoyed chillin with the people i got to chill with. :) hope ur summer was great too :D
well stay tuned for more updates. i hope you return to read another day! ty for your time!
stay hip.
Monday, August 10, 2009
i just want to thank everyone that took the time to wish me a happy birthday yesterday. i dont know how all these people found out it was my birthday since i never really made it known it was coming (im guessing myspace lol). even though im sure not everyone of them read this, i just wanna say thanks to everyone that commented me saying it on myspace & facebook, everyone that texted, everyone that tweeted, everyone that called (pio lol :D), and everyone that xanga'ed.... HAHAAA JKJK. xanga!? omg middle school days. anyways though, i really appreciated it, made me feel berry goot :)
for those wondering what i did, i just went out to eat with my mom and then spent the night chillin with morg, jesse, efrom, kevin, (whoa the whole slangs crew reunite! :O) and nugget (-_-) not a big crowd but these are like my closest friends so i cant really think of a better way to spend my birthday....besides clubbing... ahhh one day. (;
for my birthday, my mom said she'd pay the whole $490 ticket i have. AWWW :'( man! if it wasnt for that ticket though, that money could have gone to a great gift D: but im very thankful for that. fckn ticket! sjkahajhfja!
one last thing, i want to thank everyone that gave me a birthday blog shoutout! i went to the dashboard to see my name in all these lil blogs haha :D check em out though, then follow them if yous a boss like me 8)
(click to see, in no special order, just who posted em first haha)
yupyup! ty for reading, ty for wishing me happy birthday, if u didnt, then this is where our friendship ends, okay everyone have a good day/afternoon/night! whenever you read this :D
p.s- j.k we're still friends, i forgive you :)
ahh man, im 18. im an old fart now D:
for those wondering what i did, i just went out to eat with my mom and then spent the night chillin with morg, jesse, efrom, kevin, (whoa the whole slangs crew reunite! :O) and nugget (-_-) not a big crowd but these are like my closest friends so i cant really think of a better way to spend my birthday....besides clubbing... ahhh one day. (;
for my birthday, my mom said she'd pay the whole $490 ticket i have. AWWW :'( man! if it wasnt for that ticket though, that money could have gone to a great gift D: but im very thankful for that. fckn ticket! sjkahajhfja!
one last thing, i want to thank everyone that gave me a birthday blog shoutout! i went to the dashboard to see my name in all these lil blogs haha :D check em out though, then follow them if yous a boss like me 8)
(click to see, in no special order, just who posted em first haha)
- FAVES! (i love this one haha its so cute!, fave made my favorite one :o!)
- BinkyBoo's
- VivvyWivvy's
- Malina's (only one without a nickname aww :c )
- LeslieBear's
yupyup! ty for reading, ty for wishing me happy birthday, if u didnt, then this is where our friendship ends, okay everyone have a good day/afternoon/night! whenever you read this :D
p.s- j.k we're still friends, i forgive you :)
ahh man, im 18. im an old fart now D:
Saturday, August 8, 2009
sorry i been M.I.A yall. nothing much to talk about n ive been lazy. just mostly been playing basketball with the bros and chillinnnn. about 2 more weeks until im off to the dorm! ahhhhhhh! im juiced! i needa start buying stuff for my dorm soon. the only thing im surely going to bring is my fridge lol. damn can you believe summer is over in like 2 weeks?! wow it went by fast. maybe its cuz i cant wait for college that its going by so fast lol. when should i start packing? hmm.. and maybe i should contact my roomate already lol.
speaking of college though, jonie is going away to merced like ummm in 1 week? ohhh noooooo! imma miss jontay. cuz she is a loos-sah! hahaha "excuse me sa!" :P mannn jonie we gotta continue hanging out though k! she said shes gonna try and come back every weekend. hope sooooooooo weeeeeeeeee :D
oh man so u know those redlight cameras? i got one! for failing to go to a complete stop for a right turn. wowwwwww. guess how much it was though...$436! then i have to take traffic school so thats another $54 which added together, multiplied by 3, and square rooted, then taking %5 of that is like $1 bajillion dollars!!!!!! (the fck am i saying?) no really though it was totaled $490 D:!!! sooo me and my mom agreed that im gonna pay $250 and she'll pay the rest. mann im getting slowly broke im not gonna have any money left for college shopping ahhhhh! fck i wish i still had my job at kmart cuz seriously if i still worked there over summer i would be making SOO much bank cuz i have so much free time to be working all week long. dfjkashfkjsgha man!!!!!! whyd i have to get cut before summer :'(
oh i had to go to court friday for that thing and traffic court is with a buncha people like 50+. what i noticed was, u know how the stereotype is that asians are the worst drivers? tell me why there was about 4 asians including me in there, and the rest was black and latinos! -_-
g.i joe is a cool movie. if u watch it, isnt that redhead girl on the joes team hot?! ooowee haha. i was never really a g.i joe fan but the movie was gooooood.
well okay then just wanted to update my lil minion readers on how im doing. hope everyones still having a great summer. hope we can kick it sometime before its over! im thinking bout playing some badminton before its over. stay cool now!
-TonLoc :D
speaking of college though, jonie is going away to merced like ummm in 1 week? ohhh noooooo! imma miss jontay. cuz she is a loos-sah! hahaha "excuse me sa!" :P mannn jonie we gotta continue hanging out though k! she said shes gonna try and come back every weekend. hope sooooooooo weeeeeeeeee :D
oh man so u know those redlight cameras? i got one! for failing to go to a complete stop for a right turn. wowwwwww. guess how much it was though...$436! then i have to take traffic school so thats another $54 which added together, multiplied by 3, and square rooted, then taking %5 of that is like $1 bajillion dollars!!!!!! (the fck am i saying?) no really though it was totaled $490 D:!!! sooo me and my mom agreed that im gonna pay $250 and she'll pay the rest. mann im getting slowly broke im not gonna have any money left for college shopping ahhhhh! fck i wish i still had my job at kmart cuz seriously if i still worked there over summer i would be making SOO much bank cuz i have so much free time to be working all week long. dfjkashfkjsgha man!!!!!! whyd i have to get cut before summer :'(
oh i had to go to court friday for that thing and traffic court is with a buncha people like 50+. what i noticed was, u know how the stereotype is that asians are the worst drivers? tell me why there was about 4 asians including me in there, and the rest was black and latinos! -_-
g.i joe is a cool movie. if u watch it, isnt that redhead girl on the joes team hot?! ooowee haha. i was never really a g.i joe fan but the movie was gooooood.
well okay then just wanted to update my lil minion readers on how im doing. hope everyones still having a great summer. hope we can kick it sometime before its over! im thinking bout playing some badminton before its over. stay cool now!
-TonLoc :D
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
And I Wonder...
soooooo. i've been thinking again.....*dramatic pause*...i know in that moment you thought "damn here comes another deep one from tony" cuz its never a good post when im really thinking lol :P
alright so if u dont already know, im gonna be moving into my dorm in a lil under a month (aug22 to be exact) so lately ive been spending kinda alot of time with my friends and all, just hangin out. there are people who i will no longer see half as often as i do now. everyone seems to be going their seperate ways, or maybe its just me? then lately, ive been hanging out with people i dont normally hang out with, and just kickin it with them. no names now. but yeah been getting closer to some of my friends that i havent been as close to before. theres just some questions that are floating off the top of my head.
for example, if me and certain people were'nt surely going to be seperated in the near future, would i be spending as much time with him/her/them as i do now? would we be getting as close as we currently are? because before, when we had all the time in the world, we didnt even really talk. so it just makes me wonder. what if i wasnt moving away for college, n we were staying in the same area still, would we be taking advantage of the times we have?
another thing, i've faded away from a couple, or should i say most of my friends too and this is probably also because of the fact that im going. what if i wasnt though? would we still be close as before? or still be faded from eachother? i did tell myself it was for the best so it wouldnt suck as much later on. but thing is, like i said up there, im getting closer to some other friends too. will this just come back to butt me in my ass later? cuz i dont want to get even closer with some people just to pretty much leave em.
are people holding back things on me because they know its pointless since im going? man i dont know whats the better decision! its either, gain a better friendship with some only to leave them later on which sucks, or fade away from people i'd want to be close with knowing its better for both parties to have a smaller impact when the time comes which also sucks big booties and i cannot lie. damn what to do????
this can apply for anyone. im not thinking of one person as i type this. im actually thinking of many. if u have the slightest thought that you might be a part of this, then ask yourself these questions as if i was asking you.
yeah just some shit on my mind, what better place to spill but my blogspot right? as always, i thank you for taking your time to read. if u havent already, listen to my myspace playlist because its eargasmic. if u havent already, follow me on twitter. click the t icon on the right side. if u dont have a twitter, u must live under a rock. k everyone stay cool :)
p.s- HAPPY AUGUST! this is a beautiful month if i do say so myself. (;
alright so if u dont already know, im gonna be moving into my dorm in a lil under a month (aug22 to be exact) so lately ive been spending kinda alot of time with my friends and all, just hangin out. there are people who i will no longer see half as often as i do now. everyone seems to be going their seperate ways, or maybe its just me? then lately, ive been hanging out with people i dont normally hang out with, and just kickin it with them. no names now. but yeah been getting closer to some of my friends that i havent been as close to before. theres just some questions that are floating off the top of my head.
for example, if me and certain people were'nt surely going to be seperated in the near future, would i be spending as much time with him/her/them as i do now? would we be getting as close as we currently are? because before, when we had all the time in the world, we didnt even really talk. so it just makes me wonder. what if i wasnt moving away for college, n we were staying in the same area still, would we be taking advantage of the times we have?
another thing, i've faded away from a couple, or should i say most of my friends too and this is probably also because of the fact that im going. what if i wasnt though? would we still be close as before? or still be faded from eachother? i did tell myself it was for the best so it wouldnt suck as much later on. but thing is, like i said up there, im getting closer to some other friends too. will this just come back to butt me in my ass later? cuz i dont want to get even closer with some people just to pretty much leave em.
are people holding back things on me because they know its pointless since im going? man i dont know whats the better decision! its either, gain a better friendship with some only to leave them later on which sucks, or fade away from people i'd want to be close with knowing its better for both parties to have a smaller impact when the time comes which also sucks big booties and i cannot lie. damn what to do????
this can apply for anyone. im not thinking of one person as i type this. im actually thinking of many. if u have the slightest thought that you might be a part of this, then ask yourself these questions as if i was asking you.
yeah just some shit on my mind, what better place to spill but my blogspot right? as always, i thank you for taking your time to read. if u havent already, listen to my myspace playlist because its eargasmic. if u havent already, follow me on twitter. click the t icon on the right side. if u dont have a twitter, u must live under a rock. k everyone stay cool :)
p.s- HAPPY AUGUST! this is a beautiful month if i do say so myself. (;
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dear Ms. Anonymous,
I've been thinking of you. How do i get you out of my mind? Will you ever see anything in me?
Tony Huynh
Tony Huynh
Sunday, July 26, 2009
bianca is a sucka :)
cuz we went to the movies together and while waiting for our movie she made me go to borders with her. while at borders she points out the randomest but secretly dirty things like the word "wiener" and picks up nude photography books hahaha. oh and we played those ISPY and where's waldo books while sitting in the kid section. i felt out of place in the kid section but bianca fits right in hahaha :)
then we met up with morgan and kevin and we watched the orphan, that movies not baaaaad. good good story. and its kinda scary. not as scary as i was told it was tho haha. but id suggest it. if u did watch it, ISNT MAX SOOOO CUTE?! omg i love her. ionno if bianca liked it :\ i know she wanted to watch ugly truth. i kinda feel bad like she didnt like it D: srry binkyboo!
then we ate at TGIF yumm. saw this chick that looks a lil like taylor swift not really but yeah haha. well overallllll i hadda good time and i hope bianca did. when i dropped her off, i told her "hang out again sometime?" and she says yes and puts out her pinky to make me pinky promise. how cuuuuute. :)
p.s- i think she is the best dressed girl i know lol. i love her style. if u read this bianca, hey i love ur style girl haha. 2 thumbs wayyy up! :Y
dnt get any ideas now! just a kick it.
then we met up with morgan and kevin and we watched the orphan, that movies not baaaaad. good good story. and its kinda scary. not as scary as i was told it was tho haha. but id suggest it. if u did watch it, ISNT MAX SOOOO CUTE?! omg i love her. ionno if bianca liked it :\ i know she wanted to watch ugly truth. i kinda feel bad like she didnt like it D: srry binkyboo!
then we ate at TGIF yumm. saw this chick that looks a lil like taylor swift not really but yeah haha. well overallllll i hadda good time and i hope bianca did. when i dropped her off, i told her "hang out again sometime?" and she says yes and puts out her pinky to make me pinky promise. how cuuuuute. :)
p.s- i think she is the best dressed girl i know lol. i love her style. if u read this bianca, hey i love ur style girl haha. 2 thumbs wayyy up! :Y
dnt get any ideas now! just a kick it.
Friday, July 24, 2009
today was a good day
woke up to a text from morgan asking if we bouta ball tonight and i said hell yeeeeee. then got another text right after from the infamous jonie suzuki saying "hey are u busy today? lets hang out im in town!" so im like oh fashooooo. meet up with her at tuttimelon and did a lil tutting...not litterally but ate some yummy yogurt and conversed. thing was though, i forgot my wallet at home (my dumbass right?!) so she had to pay for my lil yogurt thing and i felt sooooo bad forreals! i would never make a girl pay for me intentionally. after a good talk n all, we end up seeing efromlam and others and say wassuppp. jonie didnt have to be back for a while so i suggested we watch a movie and she was down. i wanted to go back home to get my wallet though so she wouldnt have to pay for that either! drive back to the house and got the wallet and i gave her the grand tour of the new crib. then went back lol. i ask what movie she wanted to see and can u believe this girl has yet to see transformers 2?! omgah she live under a rock or what?! so i end up watching that for the second time while its her first. i payed for the tickets though since she got me on the yogurt. :P she enjoyed the movie like i said she would and i didnt mind seeing megan fox run slow mo again woohoo. then i drive her back. that was a good time, i enjoy chillin with her, shes coooooooool 8) and she liked the new hair :D but she said "awww yay! you look like everyone else now!" awwwwwwwwwwww daammm hahaha :(
so then after that i pick up my nikkas morgan, kevin, and marc and we head to logan to ball up. i had a great day of basketball and made some good shots. later on, a bunch of people we know appear so it was kind of a cool lil reunion. that was nice. afterwords, frankie came through and we had some wingstop. and now im back home looking at this screen typing this!
i know its not all that interesting but it was a cool day for me. everything went great and i finally got to kick it with someone else besides my bros lol. she promised me another hang out before she moves so i hope she keeps her word! next time, we're having pho :)
man i am tired from the long day though, but it was worth it. i just wanted to post this ionno why. i normally dont post crap like every little thing i did, i know sorry, but it was a great day what can i sayyyy?
my last post was a great hit btw. alot of people guessed which one they were and if they told me they read the whole thing and couldnt figure it out then i told them haha. i also saw a few blog posts from some people i mentioned saying i made there day or made em smile. that is a feel good moment for me right there :)
stay saucy yall.
so then after that i pick up my nikkas morgan, kevin, and marc and we head to logan to ball up. i had a great day of basketball and made some good shots. later on, a bunch of people we know appear so it was kind of a cool lil reunion. that was nice. afterwords, frankie came through and we had some wingstop. and now im back home looking at this screen typing this!
i know its not all that interesting but it was a cool day for me. everything went great and i finally got to kick it with someone else besides my bros lol. she promised me another hang out before she moves so i hope she keeps her word! next time, we're having pho :)
man i am tired from the long day though, but it was worth it. i just wanted to post this ionno why. i normally dont post crap like every little thing i did, i know sorry, but it was a great day what can i sayyyy?
my last post was a great hit btw. alot of people guessed which one they were and if they told me they read the whole thing and couldnt figure it out then i told them haha. i also saw a few blog posts from some people i mentioned saying i made there day or made em smile. that is a feel good moment for me right there :)
stay saucy yall.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Your still in my thoughts.
well today was really boring. i literally did nothing at all. i barely talked to anyone, and im talking to no one right now so i decided i'd actually make one of these. these always seems to spark my interest and i tend to read em all and figure out which ones me. i guess its time i make one. this is some of the shit i can never say to you on my own. so i'll just say it here and maybe somehow youll stumble upon it. let us begin!
okkayyyy finally finished. damn that was a long one. hmm which one are you? are you even on here? try to figure it out. sorry if i forgot to put you in here. i tried my best to include most of the people i interact with. i bet you never seen a guy post one of these huh?
Goodluck! :)
- where'd you go? we were so close and now look at us. i dont wanna try to keep in touch with someone that doesnt even try to keep in touch with me. it's hard to believe what we've become especially with our history. i still think of you constantly. i remember telling you i wouldnt stop talking to you once i hit college, but this began before highschool was even over for me. i never wanted to break my word on that one. im sorry. i know your doing great without me buggin you.
- you've been my bro ever since middle school, since the day i met you. your the one guy that will always keep me smiling and laughing no matter what. even though we rarely kick it now, everytime we do its a good time. you've never asked for anything from me, and your always willing to help me. i hope we continue bein bros in the future.
- i met you this year and we were cool right out the gate. honestly if i was a freshmen i'd go for you hahaha. you can always make me smile. i loved your hugs! it saddens to see how many guys mess with your feelings. you deserve to be happy. dont worry, mr. right will come in time. you have plenty of time! no need to be sad about it now :) keep your head up, im sure you can get any guy u want. and forget about me leaving, another "senior crush" will come along ;)
- out of my four original bros, you've had a thing with everyone of them but me. i sometimes hoped i would get my chance but that fact alone is kind of what held me back. your one of the nicest girls i know and you've grown into such a beautiful person inside and out. i know you have a bright future ahead of you, dont let anyone tell you anything else!
- youre not the same guy i use to call bro. what happend? was it you? was it me? i guess we've just grown up. im sure you dont care about any of this. i'd be lying if i said i didnt miss our friendship. i wish you and your family goodluck in the future.
- dammm you are cute. i really wish i can re-do how we met, my first impression was so whack and i think thats why you dont even notice me. i want to just talk to you atleast but even that is too much to ask for. hopefully ill see you around on the campus later and get another chance.
- you always know how to make me smile no matter how im feeling.
- doesnt our history make you laugh? i think so lol. we barely talk anymore though, and your really happy with where you are now. i still always think "damn what if.." you know? now your like a lil sister to me. you know i will always be here for you.
- i cant believe you do all the shit you do now, we use to be equally clean! well i guess as long as you can control it... all that crap aside, you are and will always be one of my best friends. reading what you wrote to me in my yearbook is really a tear jerker. i know you got a great future if you stay focused. i just hope you dont let any of that crap take you over.
- you dont know how much being compared to you would annoy me. man you dont know how many girls would ask me about you during the games and/or compare us. and i would always lose the comparison. arghhh. i wish i can get girls as easily as you do.
- one of my original "secret readers"! now im pretty sure you will see this lol. im really glad to know your interested in what i have to say, honestly, you can be taking the time to be doing anything else youd like, but instead youd give me your time to read my crap. your one of the nicest girls i know. you always knew when something was on my mind and would cheer me up. anybody is lucky to have you as a friend :)
- we constently make fun of eachother! i dont even know why! but its in a nice way though. i hope what i say makes you smile as much as your words make me smile and laugh haha. its hard to believe you havent had a boyfriend yet. inna way your justl like me. maybe not as cool though 8) i hope we continue our friendship :D
- i really want to hang out with you, or just have a conversation with you. but i havent gotten the slightest of hint that your feeling the same.
- we stay laughing with eachother. you do the dumbest shit to annoy me sometimes, but i can never stay mad at you. we've become almost bestfriends in a short time. i tell you stuff i dont even tell my other "close" friends. i might always get pissed at you at times but you know your still a bro to me regardless. but forreals though, you needa start driving already.
- your sooo adorable. i miss doodling for you and getting some from you. honestly, you were the only freshmen i had a lil crush on lol. i hope you continue doing what you do and dont let anyone hold you down. &hopefully you hit a growth spurt soon ;)
- meow meow we're going to the same college :D
- damn i wouldve never thought we wouldve became friends. you really have a shit load of knowledge when it comes to girls. you always knw what to tell me when i need it. you give me too much credit then i deserve. im sure your guy is out there, just gotta be "patient" like you tell me with girls. thank you for always helping me when i needed it and making me smile in my shitty times. anyone is lucky to have you as a friend. good thing you joined badminton huh?
- our two different paths have made us what we are today. your a whole different person than i use to know. deep down i know your still in there, there are times when i see the old you just for a bit. our history is pretty rocky, but that doesnt change the fact that we were once like brothers.
- i honestly believe you will become such a beautiful girl in the future. you already are one at such a young age. i think if i see you in a few years, i will be blown away. i hope you stay the nice and lovable girl you are now though. see you on black friday again sometime ;)
- your so nice to me, and we barely know eachother. i bet you even know more about me than i do you since you read my blogs. i think it would be cool to meet the rest of your family because from what i know so far, kindness runs in your bloodline.
- your everything i'd want in a girl. why do you have to be so far?? in the future, im gonna marry a girl just like you :D how many times have i told you that? haha
- why do you hate me, i honestly dont know what you have against me
- we use to talk so much, litterally like every day. we were really known as best friends. i told you everything, and same as you told me. after you grew feelings for me, and i tried to keep our friendship, things werent the same. and now you hate me and i claim to "hate" you. but who am i kidding. i really miss that friend i could tell anything to.
- your one of my bestfriends. there are times you can be one of the funniest to be around and there are times i just cant stand being there with u. regardless though, we stay laughing our asses off with eachother. you will always be my bro even with our ups and downs. you have the potential to be greatest at whatever you put your mindset to. i hope i'll be seeing you at the sjsu campus in two years man. dont change k?
- please get off my ___! you creep me out! i regret giving you my screename cuz you wont stop buggin me.
- we had a lil thing, and i regret letting that slip me by. i still love talking to you cuz you always keep me entertained. your turning to a beautiful girl i knew you could be. i hope you and your bf dont continue to have problems....or do i? nahh jk! lolll
- i wish you actually gave me that date you told me yourself that you owed me. your sooo adorable. i enjoy talking to u. i hope you have fun in college and never change. stay sweet!
- you are so random! you'd talk to me for sometime, then vanish just like that, then return like we never stopped talking! stay consistant! oh well, atleast it shows you havent completely forgotten about me :P
- i think we have great taste in music :)
- you are probably the only person that actually understands me. i miss talking to you kiddo. hope we hang out sometime
- i really miss you, i'll see you when my time comes. i just hope you open the gates for me. i love you and i know your smiling down on me. i will make you proud
- i miss sleeping with you in my bed. i loved holding you all time. one day i will get another lil one just like you and give him your name to remind me of you.
- i fckn hate you, you can be dead for all i care. i hope you rot in hell for what you've put me through. one day you will regret leaving me behind. you are the complete opposite of what i will become in the future. don't ever try to buy my love back again.
- i hope i see you again in college. you seem like someone i'd like to know better :)
- your one of my regular readers. i dont like seeing the sad things you be posting though, i hope you find happiness soon. i know you will. always keep your head up and dont let those jerk dudes get to you. theres plenty of fish in the sky :P
- kind of wierd how you hang out with alot of my friends lol. pretty random too. ur cool though. unique compared to many. i can see myself trying to get at you if it werent for our past. i know your next guy will treat you better then ur last. hope i get to hug you again sometime lol. stay cool 8)
- it was funny how we met. you still call me the fake name i told you mine was that night even though you know my real name haha. your a very nice girl and can always tell me the right things when i need it. i hope you have a great future
- AYEEEEEEEE GEORGE?! imma miss kickin it with you my nikka. see you in the NBA in the future bro.
- i use to love how you were. i use to be one of the only ones that had a thing for you before you changed into the beautiful girl u are today. its like i saw the potential in you or something. after that summer and you hit highschool, i dont know why but we just stopped talking. then you finally became the beauty i knew you were inside and everyone, i mean EVERYONE finally gave you the credit you deserve. im sure you will become a famous fashion designer / model in the future haha
- something about you makes me smile everytime i am in your presence. i love talking to you :) maybe i just smile too much though lol
- your so funny. i always enjoy our random conversations. i like the way you dress and your personallity. stay cool missy :) *hand thingy*
- i would sleep in your hair. its so long and smooth i love it. mmmmmm
- i wish youd reply to me sometime :\
- why you gotta be so farrrr :( you are truly a girl i would want to have in my crew. your just a cool ass girl i can see myself doing anything with just to fck around and have a good laugh. i wish more girls were like you.
- i love your hugs! and you love mine! i really rock the bracelet you made me everyday. i miss youuuu. keep servin on the courts for me k :D
- last but definitely not least, you are an amazing person. you are always willing to help others without ever asking for anything in return. you are a true example of a ginuine good person. i hope you never change.
okkayyyy finally finished. damn that was a long one. hmm which one are you? are you even on here? try to figure it out. sorry if i forgot to put you in here. i tried my best to include most of the people i interact with. i bet you never seen a guy post one of these huh?
Goodluck! :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
im back!
i didnt really go anywhere.... cept im in my new house! my new room! first blog from the new room haha. i havent been able to update all these days because i didnt have internet or cable yet so i literally didnt do shit cept some basketball haha. but no worries im back to blogging just for youuuuuu! *points*
ANYWAYS, i like this new place, its really quite over here. i can finally have a good nights sleep. i live across the street from tennyson park so anytime im really bored i can just walts over there and run around naked in front of all these mexicans or something. hahaha nahhh really though im like in mexico town or something. but its all gooooooood. being the only asian aint all that bad.... :p
besides i'll be off to my dorm in aboutta month :) speaking of birthdays coming up, but i bet NO ONE knows when that is, and i'll keep it that way! :D
what else is new? hmm i cut my hair! and not the normail haircut either! i finally shaved my head like i've always been thinking of doing. to my surprise, its not as bad as i thought it would be. i no longer have spiked hair! it feels good not having to do it anymore though :) well if u havent already, may you comment it on my myspace? :) heres a lil pic:
one last update, I PASSED THE WRITTEN TEST FOR THE MOTORCYCLE M1 LICENSE! since i already passed the riding test before, i have the license! so now I HAVE BOTH CLASS C AND M1 LICENSE AND IM UNDER 18!!! who else can say that but bj? hahaha. wooooooooooo!!!!!!! i cant wait to get that in the mail! :)))))
k thats enough i guess. ill try to update more now though! ionno about daily, cuz i got nothing going on right now, but ill try dont worry. i got chuuuuuu.
stay crafty C:
p.s- time for a new instrumental?
ANYWAYS, i like this new place, its really quite over here. i can finally have a good nights sleep. i live across the street from tennyson park so anytime im really bored i can just walts over there and run around naked in front of all these mexicans or something. hahaha nahhh really though im like in mexico town or something. but its all gooooooood. being the only asian aint all that bad.... :p
besides i'll be off to my dorm in aboutta month :) speaking of birthdays coming up, but i bet NO ONE knows when that is, and i'll keep it that way! :D
what else is new? hmm i cut my hair! and not the normail haircut either! i finally shaved my head like i've always been thinking of doing. to my surprise, its not as bad as i thought it would be. i no longer have spiked hair! it feels good not having to do it anymore though :) well if u havent already, may you comment it on my myspace? :) heres a lil pic:
one last update, I PASSED THE WRITTEN TEST FOR THE MOTORCYCLE M1 LICENSE! since i already passed the riding test before, i have the license! so now I HAVE BOTH CLASS C AND M1 LICENSE AND IM UNDER 18!!! who else can say that but bj? hahaha. wooooooooooo!!!!!!! i cant wait to get that in the mail! :)))))
k thats enough i guess. ill try to update more now though! ionno about daily, cuz i got nothing going on right now, but ill try dont worry. i got chuuuuuu.
stay crafty C:
p.s- time for a new instrumental?
Monday, July 13, 2009
one last one?
not my last post on blogspot silly ;)
im finally moving tuesday! i think this will be my final post from this room! ahhh im gonna miss it. this room is huge lol. well to me. so im just sitting here with a buncha boxes around me with all my crap in em. i can almost officially say good bye to san leandro/lorenzo. alotta memorial times here, good and bad. half of me will miss this place, and half of me cant wait to go. kinda feel like trey songz "i dont wanna leaveee, but i gotta go right nowww" lol old song. speaking of old songs! while i was packing today, i found my ipod video that i never use anymore and it works perfectly. its 30GB too! what a waste. so im using it again just shuffling through the music and damn is there old music on here. i think im gonna start using it again though. :p
now this isnt the first time i've moved from one place to another. this will actually be my...5th time moving! and if the same thing happens as my prior moves, i will rarely be coming back to visit. who knows though! since i drive i probably will be coming around to visit here and there. only thing is....for what? what is there for me around here that is worth visiting? i only have less than a handful of friends that i actually hang out with...actually its more like...2. lol. sooo yeah. someone give me a reason to visit?
this is my first post about nothing really inna long time. lately ive been just waiting for something happening to be worth blogging about but tonight i just decided why not. if u look to the right, i got this lil thingy that tracks where people see my page from and im getting random hits from all over lol. thats pretty cool 8)
i miss having that girl to talk to here and there. i miss smiling as i read her texts. i miss giving her hugs. i miss giving hugs in general lol. i havent really really hugged anyone in reaaaaaaaaalllyyy long. besides vivvywivvy haha. awww i miss giving hugs to everyone thats ever told me i give good hugs. i still rock mary-yo's bracelet saying "besthugs". i wish she put something between the two words cuz when people first see it they think "best thug?! wtf?" hahaha.
college is right around the corner! ahhhh i cant wait! then i gotta move into my dorm! ahhh! and sjsu students can swim at the pool for free anytime or go into the gym and workout or play basketball anytime. i will be able to go into an indoor gym ANYTIME! wow im so juiced haha.
well then, chances are, next time i post, i'll be in my new house! wooooohooo :)
p.s-shout out to my new followers! hope im entertaining you guys :D
im finally moving tuesday! i think this will be my final post from this room! ahhh im gonna miss it. this room is huge lol. well to me. so im just sitting here with a buncha boxes around me with all my crap in em. i can almost officially say good bye to san leandro/lorenzo. alotta memorial times here, good and bad. half of me will miss this place, and half of me cant wait to go. kinda feel like trey songz "i dont wanna leaveee, but i gotta go right nowww" lol old song. speaking of old songs! while i was packing today, i found my ipod video that i never use anymore and it works perfectly. its 30GB too! what a waste. so im using it again just shuffling through the music and damn is there old music on here. i think im gonna start using it again though. :p
now this isnt the first time i've moved from one place to another. this will actually be my...5th time moving! and if the same thing happens as my prior moves, i will rarely be coming back to visit. who knows though! since i drive i probably will be coming around to visit here and there. only thing is....for what? what is there for me around here that is worth visiting? i only have less than a handful of friends that i actually hang out with...actually its more like...2. lol. sooo yeah. someone give me a reason to visit?
this is my first post about nothing really inna long time. lately ive been just waiting for something happening to be worth blogging about but tonight i just decided why not. if u look to the right, i got this lil thingy that tracks where people see my page from and im getting random hits from all over lol. thats pretty cool 8)
i miss having that girl to talk to here and there. i miss smiling as i read her texts. i miss giving her hugs. i miss giving hugs in general lol. i havent really really hugged anyone in reaaaaaaaaalllyyy long. besides vivvywivvy haha. awww i miss giving hugs to everyone thats ever told me i give good hugs. i still rock mary-yo's bracelet saying "besthugs". i wish she put something between the two words cuz when people first see it they think "best thug?! wtf?" hahaha.
college is right around the corner! ahhhh i cant wait! then i gotta move into my dorm! ahhh! and sjsu students can swim at the pool for free anytime or go into the gym and workout or play basketball anytime. i will be able to go into an indoor gym ANYTIME! wow im so juiced haha.
well then, chances are, next time i post, i'll be in my new house! wooooohooo :)
p.s-shout out to my new followers! hope im entertaining you guys :D
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
MY DAYS AT SJSU (sorry its REALLY long)
i havent updated for about a week now sorry! but im still alive and here i am :) i told you guys i rarely have interesting things to blog about anymore. my life is a bore now! i dnt blame people for not reading anymore :\ so monday was my freshmen orientation San Jose State! let me tell you how it went ooooweee. btw, if u follow me on twitter, u can see my tweets from that day, pretty interesting haha :) mytwitter (i know you want to (; ) k so let us begin!:
alright monday i had to wake up at 5AM, ehem ehem let me say that again... 5AM! because of kitty su! man does she owe me! jk :p well she had to go retake the math placement test and retakes were @ 7AM so we had to get there fast. i even bought her breakfast :) so i pack my crap (since its an overnight stay on the campus), get ready, and im out the door and driving by 6. i pick her up and we head there. get there at about 6:45ish. damn was i still tired tho. i walk kitty to where she has to take the test and wish her luck as she enters. the orientation doesnt begin until 8:45 so i have a lil under 2 hours to do nothing -_- i just walked around campus a bit, checked out some cuties, then sat down. then i twitted this;

&she didnt pass the retake. so woke up early for nothing D:!!!
k anyways, the day was reallllllly long and we walked aorund the campus alot. i met some cool people including a girl named Amanda that stuck with me most of the day. she was very nice and not bad ON the eyes if u know what i meannn. shes white too! so u know she had nice eyes haha. she was a dance major. ooo yummy hahaha. my dumbass didnt get to get her number so chances are, i wont see her again D: hmmm i also met a guy named patrick, he was one of my 2 roomies in the dorms for the night, he was cool.
another person worth mentioning was one of the student helpers. her name is Krista and man oh mannn was she...mmm mmmmm! she was very pretty haha. and she was nice. i first met her because she was watching the lines of getting I.D pictures taken. she asks me "are you going to smile nice?" and i had to think of something good to say so i go "only if your watching me" and she laughs and says "oh then i better watch you!" and im like "noo! im jk hahaha". then i go and take the picture and right when the lady taking the picture goes "okay ready?...." i put a nice smile on but then i hear Krista say "FAKE ASS SMILE!" and im about to laugh really hard and FLASH! the pictures taken, so im like NOOOOOOO hahaha. got the I.D card today and you can really tell i was holding in my laugh. its so funny lookin! i dont think theres retakes. aw boo :[ well i met her a few more times throughout the orientation but to my surprise, she remembered my name after about an hour or two from first meeting her. i'd think she would forget since im sure plenty of other people met her too. too bad shes a senior and has a guy! sighhh. before today was over, i saw her one last time and i said "this wont be the last time i see u yeah?" and she goes "of course not!" and i put my pinky out, and so she does the same and we pinky promised haha. sweeeeet!
let me tell you how much i ate okay? first of all, the meals were all unlimited so i can get seconds or triples and so on. they served lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next morning. for lunch they had hamburgers or hotdogs, and fries, any type of drink and alot of other things on the side like fruits or snacks or salads. unlike most of others, i got both hotdog and hambuggy! ate it down yumm. got me full though :\ i couldnt handle more. dinner was some really good chicken with some potatoes and some alfredo. now this time i got seconds forsure. my plate was so filled with food and i still had seconds! hahaha. then for breakfast, they had eggs, waffles, bacon, sausages, and potatoes. i hit that with a full plate, some orange juice, and some bagels. my plate was FAT. and then i ate all that, and got seconds! ohhh man im hella fat hahaha. my friends were like "wtf how you eat so much and your so skinny!?" ahhh :)
we were broken up into groups of about 12 with a group adviser. first thing we did in our group was get in a circle and introduce ourselves, the twist was you had to introduce yourself to the person on your left with a pickup line. so i just said "Hello im Tony *shakes her hand*, but you can call me tonight" with a smooth smile and wink. and everyone laughs at that one lol. my group was pretty cool. so then people got to think i was outgoing and a funny guy. later on, we played a game in the whole group called 2truths and a lie. its simple. you say 2 truths and 1 lie and people have to guess which ones the lie. when it got to my turn, i had a good one in mind. i asked if it can be personal, and the group advisor says it can be anything so this is exactly what i say"okayyy lets see...first, im a virgin. *that gets a few people to go pfft! yeah right lol giggles* second, i never smoke or drink, and third....i passed calculus with an A-" and everyone goes "dammn thats a hard one" then everyone starts saying "it has to be one, ones the lie" and others go "noo its two!" and i just say "are u guys sure?" so i waited till everyone put in their guess and everyone voted on one or two, no one said three was a lie! so then i tell them number 3 is the lie and they go "AWWW whaatt! damn that was a good one!" and we all share a good laugh. hahaha damn that was a funny moment.
we ended the night with an hour or two in the schools gym, i wanted to play basketball so bad that i ended up being the shortest guy on the court with a buncha black guys ahaha. i was hoping i didnt do anything embarrassing though because there was ALOT of people watching on the side of the courts. i was on though, i made handfull of threes and gave good assists. hopefully caught some of the cute girls eyes that were watching haha :P
staying the night in the dorms wasnt that bad. the showers look like some showers in a scary movie though. i showered at about 12AM and so i was like the only dude showering and it felt like some killer would pull the curtains open and stab the fck outta me like the movies u know? eh eh? it just looked like the type of place it would happen lol.
oh my goodness i am typing so much sorry!!!!!
the next day we picked our classes and i was lucky enough to pull into early classes. nearly all of the classes were full already so i felt pretty good about that. im juiced about my college schedual. cant wait!
one last thing, i went to the housing offices before i left and talked to a lady to see if my financial aid would be able to cover my dorming at sjsu. she looks at my financial aid and tells me it will cover about 99% of it!!!!! SO IM DORMING AT SJSU!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! yeah its a small room and yeah my roomate is gonna be watching me sleep but hey! its the experience that matters. i cant wait!!!! im going to meet so much people :)!!!
got home at about 1, knocked out on my bed, woke up at like 5:45, met up with my G3 crew morg and marc and headed to Logan to ball up. ended the night with a good day of basketball. i couldnt think of any better way to end a good sequence of things. well maybe one thing... ;)
ahhh okay im done! sorry this is really long but i figured since i havent blogged in so long, might as well give u guys a treat. now this HAS to be my biggest blog thus far. if you really sat there and read this WHOLE thing, i wish i can just hug you right now. thank you for your time. hopefully you return! again, sorry for making it so long! i dont usually talk THIS much!
good enough details francis?
alright monday i had to wake up at 5AM, ehem ehem let me say that again... 5AM! because of kitty su! man does she owe me! jk :p well she had to go retake the math placement test and retakes were @ 7AM so we had to get there fast. i even bought her breakfast :) so i pack my crap (since its an overnight stay on the campus), get ready, and im out the door and driving by 6. i pick her up and we head there. get there at about 6:45ish. damn was i still tired tho. i walk kitty to where she has to take the test and wish her luck as she enters. the orientation doesnt begin until 8:45 so i have a lil under 2 hours to do nothing -_- i just walked around campus a bit, checked out some cuties, then sat down. then i twitted this;

&she didnt pass the retake. so woke up early for nothing D:!!!
k anyways, the day was reallllllly long and we walked aorund the campus alot. i met some cool people including a girl named Amanda that stuck with me most of the day. she was very nice and not bad ON the eyes if u know what i meannn. shes white too! so u know she had nice eyes haha. she was a dance major. ooo yummy hahaha. my dumbass didnt get to get her number so chances are, i wont see her again D: hmmm i also met a guy named patrick, he was one of my 2 roomies in the dorms for the night, he was cool.
another person worth mentioning was one of the student helpers. her name is Krista and man oh mannn was she...mmm mmmmm! she was very pretty haha. and she was nice. i first met her because she was watching the lines of getting I.D pictures taken. she asks me "are you going to smile nice?" and i had to think of something good to say so i go "only if your watching me" and she laughs and says "oh then i better watch you!" and im like "noo! im jk hahaha". then i go and take the picture and right when the lady taking the picture goes "okay ready?...." i put a nice smile on but then i hear Krista say "FAKE ASS SMILE!" and im about to laugh really hard and FLASH! the pictures taken, so im like NOOOOOOO hahaha. got the I.D card today and you can really tell i was holding in my laugh. its so funny lookin! i dont think theres retakes. aw boo :[ well i met her a few more times throughout the orientation but to my surprise, she remembered my name after about an hour or two from first meeting her. i'd think she would forget since im sure plenty of other people met her too. too bad shes a senior and has a guy! sighhh. before today was over, i saw her one last time and i said "this wont be the last time i see u yeah?" and she goes "of course not!" and i put my pinky out, and so she does the same and we pinky promised haha. sweeeeet!
let me tell you how much i ate okay? first of all, the meals were all unlimited so i can get seconds or triples and so on. they served lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next morning. for lunch they had hamburgers or hotdogs, and fries, any type of drink and alot of other things on the side like fruits or snacks or salads. unlike most of others, i got both hotdog and hambuggy! ate it down yumm. got me full though :\ i couldnt handle more. dinner was some really good chicken with some potatoes and some alfredo. now this time i got seconds forsure. my plate was so filled with food and i still had seconds! hahaha. then for breakfast, they had eggs, waffles, bacon, sausages, and potatoes. i hit that with a full plate, some orange juice, and some bagels. my plate was FAT. and then i ate all that, and got seconds! ohhh man im hella fat hahaha. my friends were like "wtf how you eat so much and your so skinny!?" ahhh :)
we were broken up into groups of about 12 with a group adviser. first thing we did in our group was get in a circle and introduce ourselves, the twist was you had to introduce yourself to the person on your left with a pickup line. so i just said "Hello im Tony *shakes her hand*, but you can call me tonight" with a smooth smile and wink. and everyone laughs at that one lol. my group was pretty cool. so then people got to think i was outgoing and a funny guy. later on, we played a game in the whole group called 2truths and a lie. its simple. you say 2 truths and 1 lie and people have to guess which ones the lie. when it got to my turn, i had a good one in mind. i asked if it can be personal, and the group advisor says it can be anything so this is exactly what i say"okayyy lets see...first, im a virgin. *that gets a few people to go pfft! yeah right lol giggles* second, i never smoke or drink, and third....i passed calculus with an A-" and everyone goes "dammn thats a hard one" then everyone starts saying "it has to be one, ones the lie" and others go "noo its two!" and i just say "are u guys sure?" so i waited till everyone put in their guess and everyone voted on one or two, no one said three was a lie! so then i tell them number 3 is the lie and they go "AWWW whaatt! damn that was a good one!" and we all share a good laugh. hahaha damn that was a funny moment.
we ended the night with an hour or two in the schools gym, i wanted to play basketball so bad that i ended up being the shortest guy on the court with a buncha black guys ahaha. i was hoping i didnt do anything embarrassing though because there was ALOT of people watching on the side of the courts. i was on though, i made handfull of threes and gave good assists. hopefully caught some of the cute girls eyes that were watching haha :P
staying the night in the dorms wasnt that bad. the showers look like some showers in a scary movie though. i showered at about 12AM and so i was like the only dude showering and it felt like some killer would pull the curtains open and stab the fck outta me like the movies u know? eh eh? it just looked like the type of place it would happen lol.
oh my goodness i am typing so much sorry!!!!!
the next day we picked our classes and i was lucky enough to pull into early classes. nearly all of the classes were full already so i felt pretty good about that. im juiced about my college schedual. cant wait!
one last thing, i went to the housing offices before i left and talked to a lady to see if my financial aid would be able to cover my dorming at sjsu. she looks at my financial aid and tells me it will cover about 99% of it!!!!! SO IM DORMING AT SJSU!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! yeah its a small room and yeah my roomate is gonna be watching me sleep but hey! its the experience that matters. i cant wait!!!! im going to meet so much people :)!!!
got home at about 1, knocked out on my bed, woke up at like 5:45, met up with my G3 crew morg and marc and headed to Logan to ball up. ended the night with a good day of basketball. i couldnt think of any better way to end a good sequence of things. well maybe one thing... ;)
ahhh okay im done! sorry this is really long but i figured since i havent blogged in so long, might as well give u guys a treat. now this HAS to be my biggest blog thus far. if you really sat there and read this WHOLE thing, i wish i can just hug you right now. thank you for your time. hopefully you return! again, sorry for making it so long! i dont usually talk THIS much!
good enough details francis?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
hi july!
happy july everyone :) hope everyones summers going great. enjoy the weather and have fun!
i havent updated for a while, maybe i was hoping somehow, someway, she would see the last post i made? ...NAHHH haha im just talkin crazy.
so its time for some updates about muah! upcoming things lets seeeee;
yeah i think thats enough for now. lately ive been sleeping at atleast 4 AM. i dont know why. just those restless summer nights :P thanks for reading! feel free to leave me any msgs via comment or in the lil chat box to the right :)
you used to be running through my mind, now your jogging, then your just walking, your footsteps lighten, then you've faded away...
follow me!:
i havent updated for a while, maybe i was hoping somehow, someway, she would see the last post i made? ...NAHHH haha im just talkin crazy.
so its time for some updates about muah! upcoming things lets seeeee;
- july 4th! no plans -_- whats goin on? im tryna just drive up to a hill where i have a view of the whole city and just watch the fireworks go off. that would be so nice and relaxing. i'll try and set that up. anyone got big plans for july 4th?
- so im already moving NEXT WEEK. whaaaaat? i knew that shit would come by so fast. in a way, im looking forward to a new place. im tired of it over here. however, im sad that now i must look for a new place to get a haircut. sunday was possibly my last haircut at the place i get it cut. MAYBE i'll go back next week to actually SHAVE MY HEAD. MAYBE! should i??? what do u think? oh yeah...i needa start packing soon -__________-
- COLLEGE! freshmen orientation is next week at SJSU! i cant wait! its an overnight stay whaaaaaat? how fun :) damn im kinda iffy on what classes i should choose though. i think im gonna psychology major! that seems interesting :)
- so my mom says dorming cost too much -_-, $1000+ a month. yeah that is too much so we had to pull out of dorming. IM NOT DORMING! nooooooooo :[!!! but now im going to have to search for a room for rent near the campus. mannn i really just wanted the college life with dorming and everything. but this'll have to do i guess. sighhh oh well. i hope i find a good place to stay atleast.
- i have been SOOOOOOOOOO lazy lately! all i have to do to get my motorcycle license is read this damn manual book and take the written test and if i pass i'd get the license right away since i already passed the riding test. but im too lazy to read this damn book! every time i try, i get hella sleepy and knock out hahaha. and ive been lazy to look for a job! where's a spot thats hiring?! someone lemme know wassup :P
- tumblr or blogspot? i think i'll just keep this going :) sorry i dont update nearly as much as i use to. but when i do though, isnt it a beautiful thing? hahaha nah im kidding!
- this is out of what im seeing, is everyone going through some hard times right now? because literally EVERYONE i follow is posting some sad ass blogs. :\ whats going onnnn? u know if u ever need someone to talk to or cheer you up, im here! dont let any of that crap get to you, just shake it off and forget about it.
- is anyone tryna hang out for summer?!?!?! im running out of ideas of what to do, and we dont ball as frequently anymore! if you tryna hang out, give me the word! just think of what u tryna do though haha i suck at thinking up plans. :)
- u know i have to update u guys with any girl news; and for me right now, its pretty much ZERO. nothing at all going on. not even a MAYBE. i have no one to have txt conversations with again :\ or let alone, phone convos haha. sighhhh im tired of this life style.
yeah i think thats enough for now. lately ive been sleeping at atleast 4 AM. i dont know why. just those restless summer nights :P thanks for reading! feel free to leave me any msgs via comment or in the lil chat box to the right :)
you used to be running through my mind, now your jogging, then your just walking, your footsteps lighten, then you've faded away...
follow me!:
Saturday, June 27, 2009

out of my surprise, she texted me one morning, waking me up. normally i would ignore morning txt and get back to sleep but i didnt wanna miss the chance to talk to her. we just had a lil conversation about college, nothing special, until she stopped replying as usual. i'd say it was worth waking up early for lol. *sigh* if only she knewwww.
dnt think girls are the only ones hoping for certain someones txts. guys do it to. dont lie
btw, that was not this morning, if u notice the date/time. just wanted to share it. plus she doesnt read this stuff anyways :Y
the dates has changed
July 12th
will be when i move.
our time left is slowly but surely fading.
and yet you do nothing about it.
will be when i move.
our time left is slowly but surely fading.
and yet you do nothing about it.
Friday, June 26, 2009
is this true?
Coming from the words of a wise, i guess this goes for guys, :
"If she dresses sexy, you think shes a slut. If she argues with you, shes hard headed. If shes quite, she doesn't care. If she calls you, shes clingy. If you call her, she should be happy. If she doesn't love you, you'd try to win her. When she loves you, you'd leave her. If she don't fuck you, shes a tease. If she does, shes easy. If she tells you her problems, you say shes irritating. If she don't, than you say she doesn't trust you. If she lectures you, shes just tryna pick an argument. If you lecture her, its cause you care. If she breaks a promise, you cant trust her anymore. If you break a promise, its cause you had to. If she cheats, its over. If you cheat, you want another chance."
ionno where he got it but credits to Francis. i didnt make this up. i was just asked on what i think about it.
dudes, is this true? what does everyone think about this? i dont think all guys are like this, like me :D, but thats my opinion. its got me pretty interested in what others would think about this whole thing. what do YOU think?
p.s- hi vivian! new reader woohooo:)
"If she dresses sexy, you think shes a slut. If she argues with you, shes hard headed. If shes quite, she doesn't care. If she calls you, shes clingy. If you call her, she should be happy. If she doesn't love you, you'd try to win her. When she loves you, you'd leave her. If she don't fuck you, shes a tease. If she does, shes easy. If she tells you her problems, you say shes irritating. If she don't, than you say she doesn't trust you. If she lectures you, shes just tryna pick an argument. If you lecture her, its cause you care. If she breaks a promise, you cant trust her anymore. If you break a promise, its cause you had to. If she cheats, its over. If you cheat, you want another chance."
ionno where he got it but credits to Francis. i didnt make this up. i was just asked on what i think about it.
dudes, is this true? what does everyone think about this? i dont think all guys are like this, like me :D, but thats my opinion. its got me pretty interested in what others would think about this whole thing. what do YOU think?
p.s- hi vivian! new reader woohooo:)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
good thing i'm a lefty!
i put up another beat to have playing in the background while you guys read. what do you think? i can never get tired of this beat :)
transformers is a bomb ass movie. recommend it to anyone!
currently; chillin, relaxing, enjoying summer, should be looking for a job, playing basketball alot, loving my "who i'd like to meet" so sexy, loving each comment i get on my new myspace pic cuz each one is funny haha. go comment it! :)
while playing ball today, i took a really nasty fall. i was going for the ball when my defender clipped my foot in my stride and i went down hard. got the wind knocked out of me and i couldnt get up for a while. i landed on my shoulder and scraped my arm and my knee and the bleeding was goin on for a while. after a bit, i regained my breath and got up and back into the game. you know how they say "ouch, your gonna feel that tomorrow" well yeah im beginning to feel it already and it hurts right now. my right arm is pretty painful. man im so injure prone wtf! aghhhh. anyways.... im going to ball tomorrow at logan! hahaha wooo. good thing i'm left handed! :)
so i guess now that highschools over, so is our friendship? i dont know... we dont talk at all anymore. and when we meet up sometimes, its pretty awkward. just a "hi-bye" thing again. i had a feelin we were growin apart but ionno its still kinda disappointing thats how it ends. was it me? or was it you? whos really going to say, right? well like i've been told countless times, friends come and go. Time is the ultimate test on who will be with you till the end, through thick and thin. I guess between us, we've failed that test. Goodbye old friend.
transformers is a bomb ass movie. recommend it to anyone!
currently; chillin, relaxing, enjoying summer, should be looking for a job, playing basketball alot, loving my "who i'd like to meet" so sexy, loving each comment i get on my new myspace pic cuz each one is funny haha. go comment it! :)
while playing ball today, i took a really nasty fall. i was going for the ball when my defender clipped my foot in my stride and i went down hard. got the wind knocked out of me and i couldnt get up for a while. i landed on my shoulder and scraped my arm and my knee and the bleeding was goin on for a while. after a bit, i regained my breath and got up and back into the game. you know how they say "ouch, your gonna feel that tomorrow" well yeah im beginning to feel it already and it hurts right now. my right arm is pretty painful. man im so injure prone wtf! aghhhh. anyways.... im going to ball tomorrow at logan! hahaha wooo. good thing i'm left handed! :)
so i guess now that highschools over, so is our friendship? i dont know... we dont talk at all anymore. and when we meet up sometimes, its pretty awkward. just a "hi-bye" thing again. i had a feelin we were growin apart but ionno its still kinda disappointing thats how it ends. was it me? or was it you? whos really going to say, right? well like i've been told countless times, friends come and go. Time is the ultimate test on who will be with you till the end, through thick and thin. I guess between us, we've failed that test. Goodbye old friend.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
7000+ and still rollin.
the views keep coming. im surprised even though i dont blog as much as i use to. it means alot to me :)
eating rice&eggs. no plans today. i think everyones doing something without me. transformers deuce comes out tomorrow! i needa find a date for that :p
eating rice&eggs. no plans today. i think everyones doing something without me. transformers deuce comes out tomorrow! i needa find a date for that :p
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm Here.
One day, if your ever feeling down and out,
or feeling so blue like nothing can make u cheer up.
i want you to think of me.
not to sound conceited, just bare with me here.
think of all the great moments we shared,
the good conversations we had,
the relaxing times we had together,
the fun we would endure with one another.
even if we haven't been through a lot,
or we've been through it all together,
just think of one moment where I've made you laugh,
something ive done that was really stupid.
think of me giving you a hug when you need it most.
i just want you to know that I'd be there for you,
no matter who you are.
if you feel you have no one to turn to,
know that im here for you.
cuz i know exactly what it feels like in that situation,
to really need someone to lean on but have no one.
to feel completely alone.
it sucks.
so i just hope that next time ur down,
think of us,
and know that im here for u.
i'm always willing to lend you an ear,
to listen to any of your troubles at the moment,
or a shoulder to lean on, or cry on.
i just hope in some way,
i can be the reason you'd smile again.
If I've ever really helped someone that's down,
than I've done my job.
From the heart right there.
or feeling so blue like nothing can make u cheer up.
i want you to think of me.
not to sound conceited, just bare with me here.
think of all the great moments we shared,
the good conversations we had,
the relaxing times we had together,
the fun we would endure with one another.
even if we haven't been through a lot,
or we've been through it all together,
just think of one moment where I've made you laugh,
something ive done that was really stupid.
think of me giving you a hug when you need it most.
i just want you to know that I'd be there for you,
no matter who you are.
if you feel you have no one to turn to,
know that im here for you.
cuz i know exactly what it feels like in that situation,
to really need someone to lean on but have no one.
to feel completely alone.
it sucks.
so i just hope that next time ur down,
think of us,
and know that im here for u.
i'm always willing to lend you an ear,
to listen to any of your troubles at the moment,
or a shoulder to lean on, or cry on.
i just hope in some way,
i can be the reason you'd smile again.
If I've ever really helped someone that's down,
than I've done my job.
From the heart right there.
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