honestly this may sound pretty stupid, but i have been wanting to blog in a while now but i have just been so busy with work and school and midterms. it just refreshes me to let some random crap out. ionno if anyone understands what im talking about when i say that.
anyways! so i could be dead or in the hospital right now because yesterday, i was on the way to fremont around 3pm hittin 80 on the free way and my tire explodes! i almost lost control and swerved like 2 lanes before getting off to the side. omg i was so lucky no cars were in the lanes i was involved with. ohhh man my heart was pounding. but i made it through with no injuries and harm to anyone else and i changed my tire to the spare and its all gooood. wanna see a picture of it tho?
(click to enlarge)

whewwww. so yeah i could be seriously hurt right now but thank god im not.
sorry im late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. mines was alright. just spent it with the family for a bit. i had to get back to the dorm and sleep early because i had work at forever at 7AM because of black friday. ohh man was it crazy. i dont know why people shopped there and waited in a huge ass line when there wasnt even any sales we had going on.
this month im working the san antonio, washington, and orlando game with the golden state warriors. see u there?
i picked my classes for next semester and i am so lucky that i got to get my classes in because everyone is struggling right now to get into classes. next semesters schedual is looking good, but i still have to get through this semesters. finals are coming soon, im scared :\
this is the most frequently asked question when i talk to someone i havent talked to in a while: "so hows college?! partying alot huh? hows working at forever21? hows the girls? gotta girlfriend yet?"
i guess i'll answer these questions even though itll get asked again anyways haha. trust me, this is how i would answer anyone that asked me.
college is cool, getting tough because of the finals and midterms. i began college partying alot but recently i havent been doing anything and focused on getting my work and studies done. this will probably continue for the next two weeks until finals are over.
working at forever21 is everything a straight guy can ask for. cuties walking in everyday, cool coworkers, good schedule, and a good pay. i hate doing go-backs but its not bad once i know where things go.
the girls are cool. nothing big as of now. no girlfriend yet, thats no surprise right? your guess of why not is as good as mine. i really have no idea. just livin life right now and taking what it gives me i guess.
okay well im out of things to say. ill try to post something meaningful soon. but who am i kidding, who reads this crap i talk about haha. ahhhhh
winter break is soon. dec17-jan24. i think? something like that. wth will i be doing in that time? probably working a lot. but what about my free time back at home for a month? damn thats boutta be boring/lonely lol. hmm...
well then! on to codmw2 :)
till next time.
Hi Tony!(: Glad you are okay.
ReplyDeleteI still read this tony(: you should give me discounts at forever ;D have a good xmas! its nice to see a familiar blogger around here. :]