alright monday i had to wake up at 5AM, ehem ehem let me say that again... 5AM! because of kitty su! man does she owe me! jk :p well she had to go retake the math placement test and retakes were @ 7AM so we had to get there fast. i even bought her breakfast :) so i pack my crap (since its an overnight stay on the campus), get ready, and im out the door and driving by 6. i pick her up and we head there. get there at about 6:45ish. damn was i still tired tho. i walk kitty to where she has to take the test and wish her luck as she enters. the orientation doesnt begin until 8:45 so i have a lil under 2 hours to do nothing -_- i just walked around campus a bit, checked out some cuties, then sat down. then i twitted this;

&she didnt pass the retake. so woke up early for nothing D:!!!
k anyways, the day was reallllllly long and we walked aorund the campus alot. i met some cool people including a girl named Amanda that stuck with me most of the day. she was very nice and not bad ON the eyes if u know what i meannn. shes white too! so u know she had nice eyes haha. she was a dance major. ooo yummy hahaha. my dumbass didnt get to get her number so chances are, i wont see her again D: hmmm i also met a guy named patrick, he was one of my 2 roomies in the dorms for the night, he was cool.
another person worth mentioning was one of the student helpers. her name is Krista and man oh mannn was she...mmm mmmmm! she was very pretty haha. and she was nice. i first met her because she was watching the lines of getting I.D pictures taken. she asks me "are you going to smile nice?" and i had to think of something good to say so i go "only if your watching me" and she laughs and says "oh then i better watch you!" and im like "noo! im jk hahaha". then i go and take the picture and right when the lady taking the picture goes "okay ready?...." i put a nice smile on but then i hear Krista say "FAKE ASS SMILE!" and im about to laugh really hard and FLASH! the pictures taken, so im like NOOOOOOO hahaha. got the I.D card today and you can really tell i was holding in my laugh. its so funny lookin! i dont think theres retakes. aw boo :[ well i met her a few more times throughout the orientation but to my surprise, she remembered my name after about an hour or two from first meeting her. i'd think she would forget since im sure plenty of other people met her too. too bad shes a senior and has a guy! sighhh. before today was over, i saw her one last time and i said "this wont be the last time i see u yeah?" and she goes "of course not!" and i put my pinky out, and so she does the same and we pinky promised haha. sweeeeet!
let me tell you how much i ate okay? first of all, the meals were all unlimited so i can get seconds or triples and so on. they served lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next morning. for lunch they had hamburgers or hotdogs, and fries, any type of drink and alot of other things on the side like fruits or snacks or salads. unlike most of others, i got both hotdog and hambuggy! ate it down yumm. got me full though :\ i couldnt handle more. dinner was some really good chicken with some potatoes and some alfredo. now this time i got seconds forsure. my plate was so filled with food and i still had seconds! hahaha. then for breakfast, they had eggs, waffles, bacon, sausages, and potatoes. i hit that with a full plate, some orange juice, and some bagels. my plate was FAT. and then i ate all that, and got seconds! ohhh man im hella fat hahaha. my friends were like "wtf how you eat so much and your so skinny!?" ahhh :)
we were broken up into groups of about 12 with a group adviser. first thing we did in our group was get in a circle and introduce ourselves, the twist was you had to introduce yourself to the person on your left with a pickup line. so i just said "Hello im Tony *shakes her hand*, but you can call me tonight" with a smooth smile and wink. and everyone laughs at that one lol. my group was pretty cool. so then people got to think i was outgoing and a funny guy. later on, we played a game in the whole group called 2truths and a lie. its simple. you say 2 truths and 1 lie and people have to guess which ones the lie. when it got to my turn, i had a good one in mind. i asked if it can be personal, and the group advisor says it can be anything so this is exactly what i say"okayyy lets see...first, im a virgin. *that gets a few people to go pfft! yeah right lol giggles* second, i never smoke or drink, and third....i passed calculus with an A-" and everyone goes "dammn thats a hard one" then everyone starts saying "it has to be one, ones the lie" and others go "noo its two!" and i just say "are u guys sure?" so i waited till everyone put in their guess and everyone voted on one or two, no one said three was a lie! so then i tell them number 3 is the lie and they go "AWWW whaatt! damn that was a good one!" and we all share a good laugh. hahaha damn that was a funny moment.
we ended the night with an hour or two in the schools gym, i wanted to play basketball so bad that i ended up being the shortest guy on the court with a buncha black guys ahaha. i was hoping i didnt do anything embarrassing though because there was ALOT of people watching on the side of the courts. i was on though, i made handfull of threes and gave good assists. hopefully caught some of the cute girls eyes that were watching haha :P
staying the night in the dorms wasnt that bad. the showers look like some showers in a scary movie though. i showered at about 12AM and so i was like the only dude showering and it felt like some killer would pull the curtains open and stab the fck outta me like the movies u know? eh eh? it just looked like the type of place it would happen lol.
oh my goodness i am typing so much sorry!!!!!
the next day we picked our classes and i was lucky enough to pull into early classes. nearly all of the classes were full already so i felt pretty good about that. im juiced about my college schedual. cant wait!
one last thing, i went to the housing offices before i left and talked to a lady to see if my financial aid would be able to cover my dorming at sjsu. she looks at my financial aid and tells me it will cover about 99% of it!!!!! SO IM DORMING AT SJSU!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! yeah its a small room and yeah my roomate is gonna be watching me sleep but hey! its the experience that matters. i cant wait!!!! im going to meet so much people :)!!!
got home at about 1, knocked out on my bed, woke up at like 5:45, met up with my G3 crew morg and marc and headed to Logan to ball up. ended the night with a good day of basketball. i couldnt think of any better way to end a good sequence of things. well maybe one thing... ;)
ahhh okay im done! sorry this is really long but i figured since i havent blogged in so long, might as well give u guys a treat. now this HAS to be my biggest blog thus far. if you really sat there and read this WHOLE thing, i wish i can just hug you right now. thank you for your time. hopefully you return! again, sorry for making it so long! i dont usually talk THIS much!
good enough details francis?
hug hug ! :] hahaha .
ReplyDeleteAWW you're dorming! im so happy for you. dude dorm shopping is hella fun
ReplyDelete*HUG!* have fun in college tonydearest (:
ReplyDeleteSide Comment: Its on the eyes and Bagels.
ReplyDeletethanks stranger. sorry bout that.
ReplyDelete:[ Little Tonys growing up! Haha, seems like your going to have a fun year. Lol. Be safe and take care! =)