Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 09'!!!
The last day of 09, seeing what i've posted this whole year makes me see, damn, its been quite a ride. but im ready for what 2010 has in store and cant wait to dive into it. 09' had its ups and downs but who cares about that and lets begin the new year. let the countdown begin, here we go 2010! PARTY TONIGHTTTT! wooooot!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
excuse my tardy
well time to update since i never do. :P
yes i am back home! winter break is on for me so im home until Jan 26th. been home for a while now, just late on this post.
speaking of late, merry late christmas everyone. i hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling one. i thought we were going to have only family over at my house but it turned out to be a house full of people i didnt know except for a few of my family members. bunch of my moms friends came over and they did the usual asian karokes. it was nice to see my family members again, for the first time in what seemed like forever, we actually had everyone together at a dinner table. that was nice :)
a funny ass thing that happened that night was when i went up to this girl, about my age, that i didnt recognize and put out my hand and said "hi im tony" and she shakes my hand and says "hi im wendy" and i just smile, then look away, and about 5 seconds later i get this look on my face and say "wait...wendy???" and look at her and she smiles big and asks "remember me?" and im like :O and we hug. turns out shes my freakin cousin from my dads side that i havent seen since we were literally little kids! damn what a trip! ohh mann it was so funny how i formally introduced myself to her haha. ahh wow that was funny.
did u get what u wanted? i hope sooo :)
college update: I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES AND GOT MY CREDITS! woot woot! now this may not seem like such an accomplishment but we have to consider the fact that i have 2 jobs, went out, partied, slept in most of my classes, went through a big slump in life, and procrastinated. it feels great :)
ive finally made up with my old close friends. it was so weird and unexpected to me. funny how a near death experience can change everything right? honestly though, like i said in my previous post, it feels really good to have the burden off my shoulder and be in good terms with them. well... most of them haa. -_-
my winter break has been everything ive expected it to be, nothing but work, work and more work. but honestly, when i dont work, i dont have shit to do! i forgot how boring it is around here! ahhh !
on a serious note, even though it may not seem like it, u guys dont know how much i am thankful to have u guys back in my life. goin around the home town doesnt feel so shitty no more. i know we havent done much with our reunion, but just the fact that its there is all i need. thanks bros.
anyways, im home now! for those of you who say you miss me, how bout u try to hang out with me while we have the chance now? atleast hit me up for a visit or somethin! dont be shy, i miss u too :)
one more thing. if anyone wants to ask me anything anonymously, i've moved too come ask me something!
thanks for reading. till next time u stalkers :p
yes i am back home! winter break is on for me so im home until Jan 26th. been home for a while now, just late on this post.
speaking of late, merry late christmas everyone. i hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling one. i thought we were going to have only family over at my house but it turned out to be a house full of people i didnt know except for a few of my family members. bunch of my moms friends came over and they did the usual asian karokes. it was nice to see my family members again, for the first time in what seemed like forever, we actually had everyone together at a dinner table. that was nice :)
a funny ass thing that happened that night was when i went up to this girl, about my age, that i didnt recognize and put out my hand and said "hi im tony" and she shakes my hand and says "hi im wendy" and i just smile, then look away, and about 5 seconds later i get this look on my face and say "wait...wendy???" and look at her and she smiles big and asks "remember me?" and im like :O and we hug. turns out shes my freakin cousin from my dads side that i havent seen since we were literally little kids! damn what a trip! ohh mann it was so funny how i formally introduced myself to her haha. ahh wow that was funny.
did u get what u wanted? i hope sooo :)
college update: I PASSED ALL MY CLASSES AND GOT MY CREDITS! woot woot! now this may not seem like such an accomplishment but we have to consider the fact that i have 2 jobs, went out, partied, slept in most of my classes, went through a big slump in life, and procrastinated. it feels great :)
ive finally made up with my old close friends. it was so weird and unexpected to me. funny how a near death experience can change everything right? honestly though, like i said in my previous post, it feels really good to have the burden off my shoulder and be in good terms with them. well... most of them haa. -_-
my winter break has been everything ive expected it to be, nothing but work, work and more work. but honestly, when i dont work, i dont have shit to do! i forgot how boring it is around here! ahhh !
on a serious note, even though it may not seem like it, u guys dont know how much i am thankful to have u guys back in my life. goin around the home town doesnt feel so shitty no more. i know we havent done much with our reunion, but just the fact that its there is all i need. thanks bros.
anyways, im home now! for those of you who say you miss me, how bout u try to hang out with me while we have the chance now? atleast hit me up for a visit or somethin! dont be shy, i miss u too :)
one more thing. if anyone wants to ask me anything anonymously, i've moved too come ask me something!
thanks for reading. till next time u stalkers :p
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Answers to the questions
LAST UPDATE:12/21/09
so these are the answers to the decent questions i receive from my anonymous questionnaire. trust me when i say i am not making these questions up.i am copying and posting them directly as im getting them. the most recent ones will be going from top to bottom, oldest being on the bottom. if youd like to be included in this, shoot me an anonymous question. remember that my answers are my personal opinion. im not speaking on behalf of anyone else but me. okay, enjoy!
attention: i have moved to, ask me questions and the answers are there!
more to come!
so these are the answers to the decent questions i receive from my anonymous questionnaire. trust me when i say i am not making these questions up.i am copying and posting them directly as im getting them. the most recent ones will be going from top to bottom, oldest being on the bottom. if youd like to be included in this, shoot me an anonymous question. remember that my answers are my personal opinion. im not speaking on behalf of anyone else but me. okay, enjoy!
attention: i have moved to, ask me questions and the answers are there!
- do you consider yourself cute or hot? ;)
-im just your average guy
- where'd you get your DOMO hat from fool?!
-a spencers gift store. ive only worn it like less than 5 times, im willing to sell it if ya want it
Enter text here. I heard that you were a jackass, but when it comes to girls you put up a front?
-honestly, i dont know what this question is asking lol can someone translate for me? cant tell if its a good or bad one. but whoever it came from, if u think im a jackass just because of what you heard, u should get to know someone first before you judge them.
- Do you catch feelings for a girl easily?
-it actually varies with individual girls. if i see things that i look for and that i like in her right out the gate, than i may fall for her fast. or it may take time to see that something. or its just not there. but in general, im quick to see if a girl is cute to me, and if she is worth pursuing, right when i meet her. but that does not mean i would go for them right away.
- What is one thing you always have in your pockets?
-the blue chapstick moisturizer :p
- Do you like anyone?
-at the moment (this date), i am currently not talking to anyone. no crushes right now
- hey tony :) i see you around campus and my friends say they always see you! One of my girlfriends said they saw you at forever 21 in valleyfair?
-hello stranger, yes im around campus and yeah i work at forever21 in valleyfair. u should visit me and reveal who u and ur friends are haha :p
- if a girl was too shy to tell you that she secretly keeps all the little locks of you hair and makes voodoo dolls out of it in hopes of you one day being successful in the stock market. would you do her anyways?
-HAHAHAHA! i laughed so hard when i saw this. oh man this is funny...but creepy...but for some reason...i would still do her :]. jkjkjk!
-lol umm im answering that question haha didnt wanna post this but it was my first one so i had to.
- wsup with u and that asian girl wonton or voton??
-her names Yvonne and i nicknamed her vonton just like wonton. cute huh? well yeah shes just a good friend of mine, shes cute so i dont know why those lil underclassmen boys arent trying to get at her lol. i said it before, i would if i was her age. if u read this, hi vonton :]
- If a girl bought you concert tickets, just for you and her around Christmas time, what would you think?
-i would think that is really sweet and thoughtful since ive never had this happen before, but only IF it was specifically for me. now if it was for someone else and they changed plans on her and i was like her last resort...thenn ionno if its as sweet haha. and it depends on who it is, if im close to her or not, or if its someone random that i dont talk to at all. but overall, even if we're close or not, i would think its a sweet ass thing to do and it would make me smile...unless its a concert to someone i dont like... like miley cyrus :P whoever sent bout a hint? :)
- What is your #1 alltime turn on when you meet a girl?
-ooo this is a tough one, i would have to say, turn on wise, it would have to be the way she looks at me, talks to me, just her overall picture. how she carries herself kinda determines if shes a turn on or not. if someone would ask me what do i physically notice the most on a girl than i can get into that, but since this is just turn on wise, thats all i can say.
- what is the most embarrassing thing you've said/done around a girl that you liked?
-hahaha where do i start? i dont know if this is the most embarrassing but its just what came to mind first, i once took this girl i had a thing for out to the movies and before we watched the movie, she wanted to go eat some frozen yogurt so went to this place where they had it. we got our yogurt and stuff and get to the register and picture this: *pat my pockets*... my face does this= :O"oh my god i forgot my wallet at home!" so then she had to pay for me! i felt so stupiddd. afterwords we drove back to my place and i got my wallet so i made up for it by paying for her movie ticket. i dont know if this is embarrassing to anyone else but i find it embarrasing when a girl has to pay for me. thats just how i am!
more to come!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ask/Tell me anything.
I finally figured out how to get one of these! you guys can ask me anything, whether it be something about me or some advice, you can tell me anything, vent anything into this, spill out crap that u just need to let out and need someone elses opinion on without the bias. I will answer them as soon as possible and post them later, the questions and my answers. I will NOT reply to any negative ones or pointless ones, unless they make me laugh ^-^, so yeah dont waist your time and mines. This is completely anonymous. okay ask away! (shouldve had this when i had frequent readers -_-)
Click here to read my questions/replies.
Click here to read my questions/replies.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Its December!
I love this month. Christmas time just gets everyone in a good mood. And i like seeing those christmas lights. man i wish we got snow over here.
honestly this may sound pretty stupid, but i have been wanting to blog in a while now but i have just been so busy with work and school and midterms. it just refreshes me to let some random crap out. ionno if anyone understands what im talking about when i say that.
anyways! so i could be dead or in the hospital right now because yesterday, i was on the way to fremont around 3pm hittin 80 on the free way and my tire explodes! i almost lost control and swerved like 2 lanes before getting off to the side. omg i was so lucky no cars were in the lanes i was involved with. ohhh man my heart was pounding. but i made it through with no injuries and harm to anyone else and i changed my tire to the spare and its all gooood. wanna see a picture of it tho?
(click to enlarge)

whewwww. so yeah i could be seriously hurt right now but thank god im not.
sorry im late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. mines was alright. just spent it with the family for a bit. i had to get back to the dorm and sleep early because i had work at forever at 7AM because of black friday. ohh man was it crazy. i dont know why people shopped there and waited in a huge ass line when there wasnt even any sales we had going on.
this month im working the san antonio, washington, and orlando game with the golden state warriors. see u there?
i picked my classes for next semester and i am so lucky that i got to get my classes in because everyone is struggling right now to get into classes. next semesters schedual is looking good, but i still have to get through this semesters. finals are coming soon, im scared :\
this is the most frequently asked question when i talk to someone i havent talked to in a while: "so hows college?! partying alot huh? hows working at forever21? hows the girls? gotta girlfriend yet?"
i guess i'll answer these questions even though itll get asked again anyways haha. trust me, this is how i would answer anyone that asked me.
college is cool, getting tough because of the finals and midterms. i began college partying alot but recently i havent been doing anything and focused on getting my work and studies done. this will probably continue for the next two weeks until finals are over.
working at forever21 is everything a straight guy can ask for. cuties walking in everyday, cool coworkers, good schedule, and a good pay. i hate doing go-backs but its not bad once i know where things go.
the girls are cool. nothing big as of now. no girlfriend yet, thats no surprise right? your guess of why not is as good as mine. i really have no idea. just livin life right now and taking what it gives me i guess.
okay well im out of things to say. ill try to post something meaningful soon. but who am i kidding, who reads this crap i talk about haha. ahhhhh
winter break is soon. dec17-jan24. i think? something like that. wth will i be doing in that time? probably working a lot. but what about my free time back at home for a month? damn thats boutta be boring/lonely lol. hmm...
well then! on to codmw2 :)
till next time.
honestly this may sound pretty stupid, but i have been wanting to blog in a while now but i have just been so busy with work and school and midterms. it just refreshes me to let some random crap out. ionno if anyone understands what im talking about when i say that.
anyways! so i could be dead or in the hospital right now because yesterday, i was on the way to fremont around 3pm hittin 80 on the free way and my tire explodes! i almost lost control and swerved like 2 lanes before getting off to the side. omg i was so lucky no cars were in the lanes i was involved with. ohhh man my heart was pounding. but i made it through with no injuries and harm to anyone else and i changed my tire to the spare and its all gooood. wanna see a picture of it tho?
(click to enlarge)

whewwww. so yeah i could be seriously hurt right now but thank god im not.
sorry im late but i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. mines was alright. just spent it with the family for a bit. i had to get back to the dorm and sleep early because i had work at forever at 7AM because of black friday. ohh man was it crazy. i dont know why people shopped there and waited in a huge ass line when there wasnt even any sales we had going on.
this month im working the san antonio, washington, and orlando game with the golden state warriors. see u there?
i picked my classes for next semester and i am so lucky that i got to get my classes in because everyone is struggling right now to get into classes. next semesters schedual is looking good, but i still have to get through this semesters. finals are coming soon, im scared :\
this is the most frequently asked question when i talk to someone i havent talked to in a while: "so hows college?! partying alot huh? hows working at forever21? hows the girls? gotta girlfriend yet?"
i guess i'll answer these questions even though itll get asked again anyways haha. trust me, this is how i would answer anyone that asked me.
college is cool, getting tough because of the finals and midterms. i began college partying alot but recently i havent been doing anything and focused on getting my work and studies done. this will probably continue for the next two weeks until finals are over.
working at forever21 is everything a straight guy can ask for. cuties walking in everyday, cool coworkers, good schedule, and a good pay. i hate doing go-backs but its not bad once i know where things go.
the girls are cool. nothing big as of now. no girlfriend yet, thats no surprise right? your guess of why not is as good as mine. i really have no idea. just livin life right now and taking what it gives me i guess.
okay well im out of things to say. ill try to post something meaningful soon. but who am i kidding, who reads this crap i talk about haha. ahhhhh
winter break is soon. dec17-jan24. i think? something like that. wth will i be doing in that time? probably working a lot. but what about my free time back at home for a month? damn thats boutta be boring/lonely lol. hmm...
well then! on to codmw2 :)
till next time.
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