lately ive been feeling so ugh. sorry i havent updated daily like im known to. i just dont have anything exciting to say. everythings really been downhill for me. jobless makes me kinda have nothing to do really.
the senior fashion show was on thursday and it was one of my highlights of senior year. it was really fun and i hope everyone enjoyed the show. i didnt get as many pictures as i wanted but oh well. i highly recommend any upcoming seniors to do it.
lately all ive been doing is play basketball with my free time. speaking of basketball, the cavaliers lost today.... mannnn everyones gonna rub it in my face now. LAL vs OLE in the finals?
ive come to realized how much of a loser i am with girls. i cant even get into any girls interests now days. i didnt get a date for prom cuz of that and all i asked for this weekend was a girl to watch UP with and even that was too much to ask for. mannnnnnnnnnnnn what is wrong with me. freakin pathetic. when will i get a girl for me? sighhh
well for the topic of this post, once again my mother asked me if i want to move to san jose. im leaning towards yes now because i can really tell now who i should even consider staying for and its pretty much no one right now. i'd expect my "friends" to talk to me and try to talk me into staying but that hasnt happend and it pretty much shows how much it matters... all i have now are hi-bye friends. and thats pretty much it. should i just move to san jose and start fresh over there? for now i think im going to move...
someone plz tell me what i should do but be ready to give me a good reason to back up ur choice.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
to my mom and my sister! they have the same bday! isnt that pretty cool? i sometimes picture my mom giving birth to my sister and the doctor says "here's your birthday present!" hahhaha.
i know i havent posted in pretty long. an actual post i mean. i wanted my 100th post to be a special one so i waited till their birthdays so i think thats pretty special :)
well than i guess it's time for me to update on a buncha things i've been meaning to say, here we go!:
i know i havent posted in pretty long. an actual post i mean. i wanted my 100th post to be a special one so i waited till their birthdays so i think thats pretty special :)
well than i guess it's time for me to update on a buncha things i've been meaning to say, here we go!:
- prom is next saturday and as for that POTENTIAL date i had....well it's a no. for reason she didnt say, she cant go sooo yeah. back to being alone for sure. no one to match with, take pictures with, buy a corsage or recieve whatever the guy gets, no one to have the last dance with. boo hoo :'c
- graduation is about 2 weeks. this craps almost over. if u read my blogs frequently, you wouldve seen my previous post about begining to lose friends. yeahhh im prety much at the peak right now. there are some i dont even feel like we're friends anymore. i'll just keep telling myself its for the best. i went out to eat today at lunch by myself and ate at the place by myself at a single table. felt pretty lonely lol.
- yet another bad news; yes i have been fired from my job for being caught lowering prices on items for a few friends of mine. its okay i been planning on quiting soon and these last weeks of school will be pretty busy for me. my ex-managers loved me and said i can use them as references when it comes to applying for new jobs and for the "reason for leaving kmart" section i can just say it was getting in the way with school and my managers would put in a good word about me. i dont think finding a new job will be a problem for me.
- i met someone over the weekend that has everything i'd want inna girl. only thing is she's talking to someone else already and i just dont get the signs from her. way outta my league. darn. :c that quote over to the left of my blog above the chat box seems so true right about now. --->
- Cavs are down 3-1 to the Magics. the way the cavs are playing right now, it seems over. LeBron cant win alone. he's the only one playing with the want to win. the whole magic team is playing like they want to make the finals while only one player on the Cavs is doing the same. i hope they prove me wrong to turn this around
Monday, May 25, 2009
follow me!
yes ive finally made a twitter! i doubt im going to get many followers haha. but yeahhh if you have one, follow me!
im one post away from 100 posts. damn i talk too much :)
im one post away from 100 posts. damn i talk too much :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
notes to tony
- watch who you trust...
- stop getting your hopes up so easily.
- stop looking at every girl as a possible girlfriend or not and just be cool with em.
- dance dammit!
- don't do THAT again.
- stop being the nice guy for once.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
senior fashion show is next thursday! its gonna be great so come watch! if you do plan on going, and read this, buy a ticket from me for $5 cuz i needa sell 10 D: come support me and the rest of us seniors. :)
i have a busy weekend and week ahead of me with the fashion show rehearsals, work, being a student of school, homework, and trying to fit in some fun in there somewhere. someone take me out to have a break from this busy life :c
lakers lost uh oh. i feel you laker fans. the cavs will be 1-1 soon too. they better be!
some good news! i MIGHT have found a possible prom date!!!!!! MAYBE! shes cool and cute too! no name yet. i'll wait to see if its a yes or no to spill the details. but for now lets cross our fingers! woooo sleeper pick, hope so :) cliffhanger!
i have a busy weekend and week ahead of me with the fashion show rehearsals, work, being a student of school, homework, and trying to fit in some fun in there somewhere. someone take me out to have a break from this busy life :c
lakers lost uh oh. i feel you laker fans. the cavs will be 1-1 soon too. they better be!
some good news! i MIGHT have found a possible prom date!!!!!! MAYBE! shes cool and cute too! no name yet. i'll wait to see if its a yes or no to spill the details. but for now lets cross our fingers! woooo sleeper pick, hope so :) cliffhanger!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
in exactly 3 weeks!
IM GRADUATING!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!!! WOOOOOO! and proms in like 2 weeks lol. im pretty juiiiiiiiiiiced!
on another note;
NOOOOOO!!!! CAVS LOST!!!!!! NOOONNONOOO!!! dammit. its okay we'll get em next game and im still confident in them!
(damn alotta exclamations in this one haha)
on another note;
NOOOOOO!!!! CAVS LOST!!!!!! NOOONNONOOO!!! dammit. its okay we'll get em next game and im still confident in them!
(damn alotta exclamations in this one haha)
Monday, May 18, 2009
i dont know why but...
the views keep rising :]
5000+ reads! woooohoooo!
(thank you for whoever reads my crap, i hope i'm still keeping you guys entertained enough to return often :D )
picked my tux for prom today. its a light gray/white vest with white dress shirt (sorry francis just trust me on this one) underneath, with an orange tie (yeahhh my favorite color too malina! :) ), black blazer n pants. heres what it looks like, dont worry itll look better with me in it hahaha :P

what do you think???
so my total expenses for prom is.... about.... $280 D: this better be worth it!!!!
5000+ reads! woooohoooo!
(thank you for whoever reads my crap, i hope i'm still keeping you guys entertained enough to return often :D )
picked my tux for prom today. its a light gray/white vest with white dress shirt (sorry francis just trust me on this one) underneath, with an orange tie (yeahhh my favorite color too malina! :) ), black blazer n pants. heres what it looks like, dont worry itll look better with me in it hahaha :P

what do you think???
so my total expenses for prom is.... about.... $280 D: this better be worth it!!!!
ahhh good talk
okay just had a good talk with francis about what i should wear for prom lol. good good advice! thanks yo!
before i start hw (lol look at the time -_-), i just wanted to post this cute lil thing vonton said to me:
before i start hw (lol look at the time -_-), i just wanted to post this cute lil thing vonton said to me:
itsYVONNEbby (1:26:15 AM) : Man i hate how your leaving this year ):
itsYVONNEbby (1:26:20 AM) : no more good hugs
Saturday, May 16, 2009
some weekend moments
-seeing everyone drunk last night was sooo funny. i havent seen that side of them like that. ahhh what a night. although i didnt drink, i still had fun. you dont gotta drink to have fun. i was, and probably will always be, the designated driver for the night. people were like "damn tony i cant believe all that alcohol around you and you didnt have any, i respect you for that" i personally think, although people may think you may "look cool" drinking alcohol, i think more respect is earned when your not drinking and your the one that gets the others home safely. damn i cant get over how funny it was seeing everyone drunk hahaha
-so me morgan and jesse went tux searchin for prom today. we go to this place (that had some cute workers lol) and when this girl was helpin us, this is the first thing she says:
then we all laughed and the girls thinking wth? and jesse says "he has no date" and she says "ohhhh awww im sorry" that was funny hahahha.
-finally went to the place that everyone talks about, tutimelon (is that how spell it?) and now i see why everyone loves that place. its really good. im probably gonna get some every time i hit up union city now haha. popped my frozen yogurt cherry woooooooooo!
-hang visited me at work! and she brought me a screen thingy for my phone so u can use it privately. its hard to explain i just gotta show ya sometime. but its cleaaaaaan. and she cheered me up since i was having a REALLY bad day at work. ahhh thanks hang. sorry for not wanting to webcam lol its too hot to put clothes on!
well thats pretty much it for now, i plan on getting a haircut tomorrow wootywoooo. i have to get back to hangs aim box cuz its blinking and she keeps asking for my full name so she can stalk me. alright night yooooo!
-so me morgan and jesse went tux searchin for prom today. we go to this place (that had some cute workers lol) and when this girl was helpin us, this is the first thing she says:
- "ok so what dress color is your date wearing?"
- "bahhh" and make a sad face like :(.
then we all laughed and the girls thinking wth? and jesse says "he has no date" and she says "ohhhh awww im sorry" that was funny hahahha.
-finally went to the place that everyone talks about, tutimelon (is that how spell it?) and now i see why everyone loves that place. its really good. im probably gonna get some every time i hit up union city now haha. popped my frozen yogurt cherry woooooooooo!
-hang visited me at work! and she brought me a screen thingy for my phone so u can use it privately. its hard to explain i just gotta show ya sometime. but its cleaaaaaan. and she cheered me up since i was having a REALLY bad day at work. ahhh thanks hang. sorry for not wanting to webcam lol its too hot to put clothes on!
well thats pretty much it for now, i plan on getting a haircut tomorrow wootywoooo. i have to get back to hangs aim box cuz its blinking and she keeps asking for my full name so she can stalk me. alright night yooooo!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My Decision
so the last day of buying senior prom tickets is tomorrow! after talking to a lot of my friends seriously, and thinking about all of what can happen, and knowing i dont have a date ive finally made my decision...
im going to my senior prommmm...
dateless D:
for now? maybe someone will come up later? well i dont know its pretty unlikely. well for now ive deciding on going dateless and just have fun. try not to think about having no one to take pictures with or dance the last dance with :\ im just gonna try and have fun. atleast i dont have to worry abou wearing a color i dont want to and getting a corsage? ahhh who am i kiddin i do want to do all that lol. asdflkjk w/e just having fun will be on my mind. denise says i can ride with them on the limo so i hope she comes through with thaaaat. yeahhh pretty much the only update i have for now.
tomorrow nights going to be pretty crazy if it goes as planned. ill be the designated driver! dont worryyyy
im going to my senior prommmm...
dateless D:
for now? maybe someone will come up later? well i dont know its pretty unlikely. well for now ive deciding on going dateless and just have fun. try not to think about having no one to take pictures with or dance the last dance with :\ im just gonna try and have fun. atleast i dont have to worry abou wearing a color i dont want to and getting a corsage? ahhh who am i kiddin i do want to do all that lol. asdflkjk w/e just having fun will be on my mind. denise says i can ride with them on the limo so i hope she comes through with thaaaat. yeahhh pretty much the only update i have for now.
tomorrow nights going to be pretty crazy if it goes as planned. ill be the designated driver! dont worryyyy
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Find me!
if you find me than your cool. toobad im in the back most of the time. i recommend watching in high quality. i loved this night. hi sly-vaniaaa (sylvia) in mr hiddlesons class!
Monday, May 11, 2009
wierd feeling
it feels wierd to walk to my car in the morning without a big ass badminton bag, or going home really early. thats pretty much how it is for me now that badmintons over. i got home early and did nothing but sleep lol. i have no life now at all! mannnn boringg. well the senior fashion show is coming up and im part of that. its gonna be pretty fun so im looking forward to it. graduation is a little over 3 weeks away and i cant wait! other then those, i have nothing else big in mind.
sooo update for prom if anyone still cares; bottom line, i still have no one. i dont even know whats going on with the ticket sales anymore but from whats on the papers, last week was the last week to buy tickets? im not even sure! and then theyre saying something about maybe starting new guest bids tomorrow? i needa get these questions answered fayast. even if they are being sold again, who is there for me?! D: i dont wanna take someone i barely even talk to though. ive had a few girls that i wouldve wanted to go with tell me already "aw tony if you had told me sooner, i wouldve gladly been your date" damnitttttttt! stupid me! what i get for waiting last minute. ajsbfhasbdhas :(
sooo update for prom if anyone still cares; bottom line, i still have no one. i dont even know whats going on with the ticket sales anymore but from whats on the papers, last week was the last week to buy tickets? im not even sure! and then theyre saying something about maybe starting new guest bids tomorrow? i needa get these questions answered fayast. even if they are being sold again, who is there for me?! D: i dont wanna take someone i barely even talk to though. ive had a few girls that i wouldve wanted to go with tell me already "aw tony if you had told me sooner, i wouldve gladly been your date" damnitttttttt! stupid me! what i get for waiting last minute. ajsbfhasbdhas :(
Sunday, May 10, 2009
wow yesterday was one of the funnest nights i had in a long ass time. the cotillion was great! our performance turned out better than i expected. the tinikling turned out alot better then all of us expected because no one completely stopped or anything like we would at rehearsal all the time. not bad for 2 days worth of practice on that! the other dances where good too even though i messed up a few times D: but oh well! whats done is done. i hope everyone enjoyed it! i had a great night at the cotillion and so did everyone else. the dance at the end was pretty fun too, funner then the other cotillion dances ive been too lol. after the whole event, me and the court spent the night at a nice hotel in castro valley. we just messed around the whole night. pretty much everyone but me had some "energy drink" lol so i knocked out first but woke up like 1 hour later to everyone all hyper and laughing. so then we stayed up till about 3:30 am and then finally everyone knocked out. i just got home and im super tired but just decided to type this out while its fresh. well thats pretty much it. id go into more detail but i dnt wanna type much. as for any big events for me, last night was the last one for the next few weeks for all i know lol. back to boring life! and i dont even have badminton to look forward to! bahhhh D: lol
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
To that guy/girl from mt eden.
yeah you. the one that keeps coming back to read my blogs and talk shit, you follow me privately huh? well just wanna let you know that i really appreciate that your a regular reader. lets me know im saying something right to keep you coming back. <3 i know you've been waiting for a shoutout for so long now so here u go! this ones for you! woooo!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
And life goes on
so much for HAAL. we didnt go anywhere. literally we were one and done. not even consolation. so freakin pathetic i cant describe how it feels. we were a top 5 seed of the mens doubles and we didnt get pass round 1. all the hype, all the excitement, training, preparation, all the drama of who i'd play in HAAL with for literally nothing. straight up fail. last of last. i couldnt believe it. to make things worst, it wasnt even a defeat from a top tier team. we just underestimated them. we disappointed everyone from coaches of other schools to other players but above everything else we disappointed ourselves. we went third set but still lost. to make things worst the last point to end the game was from my miss. thats something that will stick with me for a while. to everyone who's told me i suck at badminton, this is probably the one time i wouldnt argue that statement. well than, its all over now officially. all and all i think i had a good season, it could have been better but it could have been worst. ive met great people and its truly been an experience i will never forget. in the end, winning isnt everything, at the end of the day life goes on. failing is a part of life that has been with me forever. been cut from football tryouts, cut for basketball tryouts, and failing to get myself a "special" someone in highschool. but i learn from failing, u know how they say we only fall so we learn how to get back up. ive been told to become a winner, you must first lose. badminton may be over, but it isnt the end of the world. life goes on. its just an end of one chapter of my life and now to begin another. :)
speaking of great people i've met during badminton, ironically out of all my friends on the team and other friends i had around, only the people ive met through badminton were the ones that cheered me up after my lost. i would like to thank those that cheered me up after my lost because if it wasnt for them i wouldve probably spent the rest of the day emo as hell. those who talk to me when im looking mad or sad are the ones i thank the most. most people would think i want time to myself and leave me alone but truth is i like to have someone come and cheer me up and talk to me, if anything its exactly what i need at the moment. for taking their chances to talk to me, i thank them the most. and when i sayyy them i meannnn :
Jenae: the first one to attempt to cheer me up, thank you so much! you really made it so i couldnt make any sad faces or pout about the loss or else you'd beat me up lol. your a great friend :) cool hair girlllll lol
Juliane, Sophie, and Elsa: thanks for keeping me company for most of the afternoon and messing with me lol. as i type this, i still have all these marker markings all over me. "LOLA" hahahaha and "i suck" lol THANKS! -_- but honestly thanks for helping me have fun with what was left of the day. :]
Kristal: cool twin! thanks for cheering me up AGAIN! damn i owe u some cheer ups forreals cuz we are always in this situation where u have to cheer me up. u said the right things when i needed to hear em. thank u for everything :D
Mark: thanks for all your support bro, forget what anyone else says, your a great players and dont let anyone tell you less. thanks for always cheering me on in the middle of my game even if it was against ur team LOL. as bad as we wanted to go far, it just wasnt our time. but keep ur head up man. i know youll always have my back and you know i got urs.
Chanele: i dont think u were there while i was really mad but u told me good things later on. thank you for always keeping my head up and reminding me to stay strong. i dont deserve half of what u tell me honestly. u make me feel good when im feeling like shit. :)
My coaches, current, former, and assistant: thanks for telling me straight up "shit happens" and to continue being me and dont let this shit get to me.
well its over guys, im gonna miss the team even though i didnt get to know everyone. i got to know some great people and i got to know some i wish i never did hahaha. but honestly i'll miss everything about badminton. i believe we are the best personality'ed (i know thats not a word) team in the league. we went from segregated strangers in the beggining to one big family in the end :). maybe we didnt do very well gamewise, but i'd personally rather make friends and have a great team that is known for our friendliness but lose, than having a team known to be bitch ass robots but win constantly. now its not like i'll never see u guys again, catch me around school! see everyone at the banquet though!
thats pretty much it. im done this is really long im sorry. i just had to say all of this before the night was done. and i want to kind of hide my previous blog talking about being juiced for about embaressingggg but i wont delete that one because its pretty funny. i can read this over one day in the future and laugh. well then! night everyone. your probably reading this into the weekend soooo have a great weekend!
speaking of great people i've met during badminton, ironically out of all my friends on the team and other friends i had around, only the people ive met through badminton were the ones that cheered me up after my lost. i would like to thank those that cheered me up after my lost because if it wasnt for them i wouldve probably spent the rest of the day emo as hell. those who talk to me when im looking mad or sad are the ones i thank the most. most people would think i want time to myself and leave me alone but truth is i like to have someone come and cheer me up and talk to me, if anything its exactly what i need at the moment. for taking their chances to talk to me, i thank them the most. and when i sayyy them i meannnn :
Jenae: the first one to attempt to cheer me up, thank you so much! you really made it so i couldnt make any sad faces or pout about the loss or else you'd beat me up lol. your a great friend :) cool hair girlllll lol
Juliane, Sophie, and Elsa: thanks for keeping me company for most of the afternoon and messing with me lol. as i type this, i still have all these marker markings all over me. "LOLA" hahahaha and "i suck" lol THANKS! -_- but honestly thanks for helping me have fun with what was left of the day. :]
Kristal: cool twin! thanks for cheering me up AGAIN! damn i owe u some cheer ups forreals cuz we are always in this situation where u have to cheer me up. u said the right things when i needed to hear em. thank u for everything :D
Mark: thanks for all your support bro, forget what anyone else says, your a great players and dont let anyone tell you less. thanks for always cheering me on in the middle of my game even if it was against ur team LOL. as bad as we wanted to go far, it just wasnt our time. but keep ur head up man. i know youll always have my back and you know i got urs.
Chanele: i dont think u were there while i was really mad but u told me good things later on. thank you for always keeping my head up and reminding me to stay strong. i dont deserve half of what u tell me honestly. u make me feel good when im feeling like shit. :)
My coaches, current, former, and assistant: thanks for telling me straight up "shit happens" and to continue being me and dont let this shit get to me.
well its over guys, im gonna miss the team even though i didnt get to know everyone. i got to know some great people and i got to know some i wish i never did hahaha. but honestly i'll miss everything about badminton. i believe we are the best personality'ed (i know thats not a word) team in the league. we went from segregated strangers in the beggining to one big family in the end :). maybe we didnt do very well gamewise, but i'd personally rather make friends and have a great team that is known for our friendliness but lose, than having a team known to be bitch ass robots but win constantly. now its not like i'll never see u guys again, catch me around school! see everyone at the banquet though!
thats pretty much it. im done this is really long im sorry. i just had to say all of this before the night was done. and i want to kind of hide my previous blog talking about being juiced for about embaressingggg but i wont delete that one because its pretty funny. i can read this over one day in the future and laugh. well then! night everyone. your probably reading this into the weekend soooo have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
HAAL IS TOMORROW AT CASTRO VALLEY! AHHHH IM JUICEDDDD!!! we hadda GREAT practice today and beat Ben and Andy so we are going into this really confident. Me and Mike are actually seeded! there can only be 4 top seeds out of the 14 mens doubles teams and me and mikey are the 4th seed! wow what a surprise. it shows that we are actually recognized u know? ahhhhh damnnn tomorrow is the day we seperate the men from the boys haha. WISH US LUCK! LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
we hadda good practice at the place where jonie's cotillion is taking place. the stage is pretty small but its all good. we're looking pretty good! a few more touches here and there and we're ready. its saturday though ahhhh!
so i blogged last night, if you havent read that one, go read it! its pretty interesting for once i guess. people can related to what i said about txting i guess lol wooohoooo im not alone :D
its under this blog. VVVVVVVVVVV
well i dnt wanna keep blabbin cuz i gotta get to sleep! need energy for tomorrow! night everyone. sour dreams woooooo <3
we hadda good practice at the place where jonie's cotillion is taking place. the stage is pretty small but its all good. we're looking pretty good! a few more touches here and there and we're ready. its saturday though ahhhh!
so i blogged last night, if you havent read that one, go read it! its pretty interesting for once i guess. people can related to what i said about txting i guess lol wooohoooo im not alone :D
its under this blog. VVVVVVVVVVV
well i dnt wanna keep blabbin cuz i gotta get to sleep! need energy for tomorrow! night everyone. sour dreams woooooo <3
still awake.
its about 2 am and im sitting here reading this book. i slept pretty much 7-11 though so its not like i havent gotten slept. dont worryyyyy
im bored so i just felt like typing something out. i dont blog much anymore because i havent had much to blog about. my lifes pretty boring lol but ill update you guys anyways. does any of this matter to u guys? i doubt it but heyyyy if ur taking ur time to read, gotta be something right?
im bored so i just felt like typing something out. i dont blog much anymore because i havent had much to blog about. my lifes pretty boring lol but ill update you guys anyways. does any of this matter to u guys? i doubt it but heyyyy if ur taking ur time to read, gotta be something right?
- tomorrow is HAAL! ahhhhhhh i am juiiiiiiiced. nervous too! i really need to bring my A game and leave it all on the courts tomorrow. me and mike are really aiming to go far in this tournament. wish us luck! on a side note: i cant wait to see some friends of mine :)
- saturday is jonies cotillion! oh craaaaap! gotta perform in front of a whole lotta people. i dont even know if we're ready! theres practice today though at the place its being held. hopefully we clean it up and get this down by tonight.
- PROM?! sooooo guest bids were due like this week... and i had no one in mind.. so i got no date! and then since the guest bids are over with, now i HAVE to take someone from arroyo if i do plan on going. i dont have anyone in mind at all from arroyo that i can possibly go with. soooo i think my decision is set that i wont be attending my senior ball? its about 99.9% sure right now. will you be that 0.01% that changes my mind? :\ every time i tell someone i dont have a date they tell me "what?! how do you not have a date, come on its you" ionno why i get that but i do and to be honest for whatever reason it may seem like i do, truth is i do not get girls -_-
- status? currently not having a "thing" with anyone at all. i barely talk to anyone actually. seems like every girl i would want to try with, theres something in the way. shes talking to someone else, shes not interested in me, or shes just way out of my league :c. sighhhh this boring life is almost over :)
- My favorite player Lebron James was announced MVP and got his trophy today. woooooo! and they killed in game 1 vs the hawks wooo!
- currently on my mind: truth is, i know if i had a chance, i can see my self having a really big crush on you. yet im holding it back because i know i really dont have a chance. saying this part alone shows i have a little crush already but nothing big. i find my self wanting to text you here and there just to talk to you, even if i have nothing to talk about, just whatever comes to the top of the head and hoping the stupid things i say make u smile. i find myself getting texts and hoping its you trying to start a convo with me. i like the feeling knowing you can be talking to anyone else or doing anything else but instead ur taking the time to talk to me :]. i know im a loser but i cant help it. i know it may seem like we dont talk at all really but if it were to be my way we'd talk on the regular. i just want to see if youd ever start a convo first instead of it being me all the time but so far not so good :\ you show no interest in me at all which is another reason i really doubt any possibilities. i can tell shes a good girl. if only i got a sign. for now i'll just do my thing and let you do yours. maybe i'll get lucky? AHHH too much hopeful thinking i'll stop. :p
Sunday, May 3, 2009
off top of the head
i want to blog, but i dont know what to blog about, so first things that come to my mind here we gooo!
watched wolverine friday night. i liked it. good movie and it really puts everything together. makes me wanna watch all the xmen all over again to get it completely. after the movies....what a night. lol!
had cotillion practice again saturday. oh mannnn less then one week away is the actual day of the performance! im scared :[
HAAL tournament is thursday! im juiiiiiced. im gonna pair back up and play with mike. woooo! everyone is expecting us to go far so i really hope we dont let anyone down. + its being held at castro valley! i cant waiiiiiiiit! kinda nervous knowing theres gonna be ALOT of people watching the matches this time. but inna way i like it :) we arent completely finished with the season yet.
so our last game was thursday against hayward. we killed em 13-2. it was kind of sad knowing its pretty much all over as a team. i took the time to pull richard aside and thank him for being my parnter and putting up with all the shit i gave him on the court. i really appreciate what richards been for me, a good friend and partner. i know that if it wasnt for him i wouldve probably had no choice but to play something other than my specialty that is mens doubles. thank you bro.
after the regular games were done, haywards assistant coaches told our coach they wanted to play one of our doubles and wanted a "challenge" so dean sends me and mike. and we beat em! with alot of their team watching! woooo! it was a good game too. i was proud of that one haha.
as of now, senioritis is at its peak! i think im about ready to check out haha. im slacking off kinda too much and needa finish strong :/ i'll try to dont worry!
im beginning to fade away from any close relations i may have. inna way i think this is good. if i do, and probably will, go away for college, i dont want to leave anything close behind. best friends or girlfriends arent my concerns at least. the last thing i want is someone to be sad for me leaving. i dont think thats something i can stop now though. but at least if we fade now, it wont be as sad when the time comes right?
on that note, happy new week. mothers day is in 7 days and i dont know what to get my mom! help me out here people!
mk night and sourdreams. c:
watched wolverine friday night. i liked it. good movie and it really puts everything together. makes me wanna watch all the xmen all over again to get it completely. after the movies....what a night. lol!
had cotillion practice again saturday. oh mannnn less then one week away is the actual day of the performance! im scared :[
HAAL tournament is thursday! im juiiiiiced. im gonna pair back up and play with mike. woooo! everyone is expecting us to go far so i really hope we dont let anyone down. + its being held at castro valley! i cant waiiiiiiiit! kinda nervous knowing theres gonna be ALOT of people watching the matches this time. but inna way i like it :) we arent completely finished with the season yet.
so our last game was thursday against hayward. we killed em 13-2. it was kind of sad knowing its pretty much all over as a team. i took the time to pull richard aside and thank him for being my parnter and putting up with all the shit i gave him on the court. i really appreciate what richards been for me, a good friend and partner. i know that if it wasnt for him i wouldve probably had no choice but to play something other than my specialty that is mens doubles. thank you bro.
after the regular games were done, haywards assistant coaches told our coach they wanted to play one of our doubles and wanted a "challenge" so dean sends me and mike. and we beat em! with alot of their team watching! woooo! it was a good game too. i was proud of that one haha.
as of now, senioritis is at its peak! i think im about ready to check out haha. im slacking off kinda too much and needa finish strong :/ i'll try to dont worry!
im beginning to fade away from any close relations i may have. inna way i think this is good. if i do, and probably will, go away for college, i dont want to leave anything close behind. best friends or girlfriends arent my concerns at least. the last thing i want is someone to be sad for me leaving. i dont think thats something i can stop now though. but at least if we fade now, it wont be as sad when the time comes right?
on that note, happy new week. mothers day is in 7 days and i dont know what to get my mom! help me out here people!
mk night and sourdreams. c:
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